A friend of mine in UAE want to come to kuwait in his car , and i wanted to go on a road trip for a long time
So i go with a friend of mine from kuwait to UAE , right now i’m in the UAE , i have one thing to say about that road
Its sucks
All the way from kuwait boarder till you get to UAE boarders just suck
Sands and sands and sands , and then more sand
They are building more road , but still like over 70% of the road is a 2 way road ( which suck when you are stuck behind a truck or you get someone trying to overtake the truck on the other side )
The drive from kuwait to Sharjah took around 15 hours , i was driving the first 13 hours ( my ass hurt a lot )
and some part of the road in saudi weren’t in a good shape which didn’t help much either
I just wish there was some kind of ferry that take you from kuwait to Dubai
i saw on Top gear program on the BBC a clip and they went on a ferry from newcastle to norway , and they said it was a 13 hour trip , but the ferry had beds and it had resturants