While i was checking Safat aggregator i found this post titled segergate!
And it was asking for a 1 day per week as a female only day in shopping malls
I agree with that , but why stop there ? i demand also one day for males , as in males only per month
now you may wonder , why a day without Women ?
the answer is easy , first off , so i don’t see clowns
( that is supposed to be a lady , I’m not that great in paint 😛 )
or chicks trying to score a idiot bobbing around like a boxer
not only that , but it would reduce non shoppers to minimum , why ? because men who go there to score or wait to bait a hook
wouldn’t go if there is no women , thus the place would be good for shopping
One time i went to Sook Sharg , and took me around 20 minutes to find a parking , but after i passed the food court area there was no one in sight ! and there is no exclusive restaurant in that food court , there were only guys and gals fishing