Well, I’m going to the USA to have some fun, I’m going to Comic-Con2005, hopefully its going to be fun to be in geekdom
I’m not going to stop blogging, I’ll try to blog whenever I can, hopefully I can get the courage to take pictures this time, my last trip to the USA I did take few pictures and I still regret it
Oh and don’t worry purg , me on vacation doesn’t mean the cats aren’t getting more force , so you better be ready .
And I’m sorry bu maryoum , i’m sure i can’t get a snowblower for you
I was browsing around and found this link at kuwait municipality
some nice stuff and buildings ( yeah i think are ugly , but you can’t have everything perfect )
for example take this building
a bit ugly and can send other signals about who draw it
Anyway its good to have a capital with more 20+ floor buildings , it was embarsing to have a capital with 2-3 20+ floors buildings