Your Direction Are not helpfull !

Do you hate it when people tell you to go to some place and not give direction or give you bad direction ?

It happened more than once with me , yes i lived in Kuwait most of my life , doesn’t mean i know every place in it
Your camp in Cha’abd ( كبد )? don’t be surprised if i didn’t know where that is , no i don’t know the station there either , i didn’t work there

What ? your house is next to Hisaniyat Ma’arafi ( حسينيه معرفى )? sorry but i need better direction my friend

And the new area’s aren’t helping also , we have like 7 or 9 new area’s all named after dead sheik’s , some new and some changed from old name , and some are relay relay confusing
I mean Jaber Al Mubarak and Mubarak AlJaber thats just asking for people to get lost

P.S: anyone have any idea where is Dunkin Donuts Salmiya ?

Could it Be ? some logic in the parliment ?

وأكد العنزي «ان التحرك الصحيح الذي يمكن ان يجد النور وينجح هو الذي يتم بالتوافق مع الكتل السياسية ليقدم متكاملا ومقنعا من أجل مساعدة المواطنين»، لافتا الى «ان المقترضين يعانون من زيادة الفوائد على القروض وهي التي أحدثت المشكلة وتاليا فإننا سنعالج هذا الخطأ وهذه السياسة حتى لا تتكرر مجددا»

And Al Enezi Assured that the right way that would be able to see the light and succeed is the one that is agreed upon from all to be full and compelling to help the citizen , noticing that the borrowers are suffering from the increase of interest rate on loans which started the problem so we are going to fix that problem and this policy so it doesn’t happen again


The good thing about it is not how they are going to fix it , interest rate go up and down , thats the norm , however some are saying that the bank spiked it up a lot and the Central bank is partly to blame here , but thats not why I’m happy
I’m happy Because they are thinking of solving the problem at the root , instead of pain killers as always

Al Enzi , you talk the talk , lets see if you Walk the Walk

Freej-Gate !

I don’t know about most of you readers , but most of my family watched Freej , the Cartoon from Dubai TV
and they liked it , and where impressed by how Emirates people did that

Well it seem it wasn’t Full Emiraty thing as they claim


UTV Toons is currently executing projects such as “Tripping the Rift”, a popular animated sitcom in the US, “Magic Cellar” for the South African Broadcasting Corporation, and “Freej” the first animation project funded by Dubai’s media city.


So what does the current slate look like?
Currently we are working on 15 Direct to home Movies for the North American market. These DVDs are all outsourced assignments and the deadline for completion is September 2007. The current output is 150 minutes of animation a month and the plan is to double that soon. We are also doing a 104 episode TV Series for a Holland based company
as well as Freej a Series of seventeen short episodes of 15 minutes each for Dubai Media City telecast on Dubai City.

It seem dubai TV did the voice over :p

News Credit Jombaze [Link]

Kuwait forign policy is none planed

Another example of doing stuff without a plan in Kuwait

our foreign policy

Kuwait is a Member of NAM , Non-Aligned Movement

Which is not a bad thing , and we just participated the conference Cuba

Then less than 4 month later what we do ?
why start NATO – Kuwait conference on cooperation
with Gulf countries

Wait a minute ! i thought the idea of Nam is not to join either Nato or Warsaw Pact

Now what I’m saying here is why go to the Nam conference when you are know you want NATO ? just for travel ?