Category Archives: Kuwait

kuwait , my great country ( at least in my eye ) it has its up and downs , but its still my country

Shall we Dance ?



From al-jazirah [Link][Arabic]

أكدت وزارة التربية والتعليم على جميع إدارات التعليم بمناطق المملكة.. الاهتمام بالعرضة السعودية، ويأتي ذلك وفقاً للتوجيه الكريم المتضمن أهمية إدخال العرضة السعودية ضمن المناهج الرياضية ونشاطاتها المصاحبة لها..
ووفقاً للتوجيه السامي أبلغت وزارة التربية مديرية التعليم بضرورة الاهتمام والحرص على ذلك ومتابعة إجراءات التنفيذ خلال حفلات المدارس بمناطق المملكة التي تقيمها ضمن إطار نشاطاتها، كما أكدت الوزارة على جميع المشرفين التربويين بمتابعة هذا التوجيه وذلك خلال الجولات الميدانية على المدارس.

English Translation

” The ministry of discipline & education told all department of education in the regions of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to place special care for The Saudi Ardah*
And that came from decree which state the importance of incorporating Saudi ardah in the sport education and its related activity
And following the decree the ministry of education told the education bureau to take special care and follow up thought school celebration in all kingdom regions that they partake as part of their activity
And the ministry that all educational supervisors should follow that decree in their inspection tours  of schools “

* Men’s sword dance
 It is Strange how other Gulf Countries try to Perserive these things with Historical value yet we try to cut our self from History

 ” واردف قائلا: مشكلتنا ان المسؤولين عن تاريخنا الثقافي والحضاري والنضالي كأنهم اعداؤنا، فالمسؤولون في المجلس

الوطني للثقافة والفنون والآداب وافقوا على ازالة هذا الصرح دون اي معارضة ”


English Translation :

“And he added; our problem is that the ones responsible for our cultural history are like enemies
The people in charge in the national assembly for Literature art & culture didn’t object the demolishing this monument”

So sad



Its Embarrassing to be kuwaiti these days

I mean just reading the news make feel down 


المطيري يفتح رأس يعقوب الطاهر

عقب انتهاء التدريب الاخير لـ «الازرق» امس، تهجم لاعب نادي القادسية نواف المطيري على لاعب نادي الكويت يعقوب الطاهر واعتدى عليه غدرا من الخلف بحذائه في غرفة اللاعبين، ما احدث جرحا غائرا في رأسه، تطلب نقله الى المستشفى واجريت له جراحة عاجلة (8 قطبات)، وسيحرم اللاعب من المشاركة مع فريقه ومع المنتخب ربما الى نهاية الموسم.

Almutaree Open Yaqoob Altaher head

After the last training For the kuwaiti national Team yesterday , Nawaf Almutaree attacked Altaher

In the changing room from the back with a shoe , which wonded Altaher and he was taken to the hostpital and got 8 stitches

A Kuwaiti girl who some blogger defended  , Fled the case and went to kuwait

PHOENIX A second Kuwaiti woman charged with fleeing the scene of a fatal car accident in Mesa has been arrested before she could leave the country.

Twenty-year-old Reem Ahmad Bishara apparently was making plans to go to Kuwait when Mesa police took her into custody on a warrant.


She had notified an Ahwatukee Foothills apartment complex in writing last Saturday that she was vacating her apartment yesterday.


Prosecutors got a tip from a fellow resident at the apartment complex.


The tipster realized what was happening after seeing news reports about the flight of co-defendant, 23-year-old Munerrah Al-Tarrah.


A judge learned Monday that Al-Tarrah had left the country January 9th.



hoorah , we need more bad examples , who care about good examples !

and now for something completely different

Every one is talking about Kuwait, newspapers are not showing everything, blogs analyzing what’s going to happen and mention the latest like kuwait junior which seem so good that Fasttelco Banned Blogspot!

Since I don’t have that many insider links I’ll leave it to them for analyze

And now for something completely different

Yesterday I went to get grocery stuff from Co-OP , I opened my radio to check the station I switch to FM 99.7 and get this

For a second I thought the Iranian started a coup, why I thought of that I don’t know
Then I switch to another station and found it was on normal programming
Since when did FM 99.7 prodcast news in Persian?

Consolation Runs

A friend of Mine came from Saudi Arabia yesterday and got these pictures on the way

Its some saudi’s running from saudi arabia to kuwait for Consolation for the death of Shiek Jaber



Video to be uploaded Later