Category Archives: Kuwait

kuwait , my great country ( at least in my eye ) it has its up and downs , but its still my country

Report on Meeting

Well as always , it seem only the useal come to the blogger meeting ( why too many complain we don’t meet yet when we meet we don’t see anyone )

attending this meeting
* TaTtheddon
* Mr Chocolate
* exzombie
* ducatiq8i

some sample of topic that were discussed

* Current affairs of Kuwait bloggers
* Female Kuwaiti bloggers , whats the problem with them ?
* Did the US economy enter recession stage or not and is bernanke to blame
* Sectarian strife among Kuwaiti bloggers
* future of Safat , more idea for improving

and there was many more

i hope we get more attendance next meeting

Blogger Meeting

As the bloggers who attended the last meeting discussed , we agreed we should have more than one meeting per one
one at a weekend , and one in the middle of the week
Well Tomorrow is another meeting ( tomorrow as in wensday march 12 ) and we are going to Dunken donuts Salmiya
at 5:30 PM

See you all there

A Follow up on the Case

It seem amazing but it does seem there is a follow up on the case i talked about before [link]

Alaan news site reported that

علمت الان أن النيابة العامة أن اتهام مؤسسو شركة أمانه للتخزين ضد وناشرها الدكتور سعد بن طفله العجمي ليست جريمة من جرائم النشر،

ِAlaan has been informed that The Prosecutors office will not consider the accusation of abuse toward the Amana company founders , under the press & publishing Law of 2006 against Dr Saad Bin Tiflah al Ajmee – the publisher of al alaan

they haven’t published the final report , but it would mean that online publishing does not fall under the publishing law YET

Oh Kuwait my country

We may speak of as if its dull
While it seem as if amount of logic is null
Sometimes you are surrounded by culls
Which would drive you mad and make you go on quell
But there is nothing like that can make you lull
In the end the glass is not half empty but half full

Strangely Kuwait TV is showing some good programs 🙂

they have one about the origin of the Kuwaiti national Anthem , anyone with contacts in Kuwait TV that can get me that ? :p