Category Archives: Kuwait

kuwait , my great country ( at least in my eye ) it has its up and downs , but its still my country

Israelis in Kuwait & Saudi Arabia

Yes, they are coming soon, and before you say but the law stop them, check this


As he said, if you got Visa for one Gulf Country you don’t need Visa for the rest,
Qatar has no restriction on Visa for Israeli’s, so they get Qatar Visa and come to Kuwait / Saudi

Got to love ideas that didn’t get much thinking

Do we have faith in Courts ?

So a Citizen and runner up for Election has file a complaint at the constitutional court demanding that Two of the Female candidates win be annulled


This isn’t the First time some file a complaint at the constitutional court because of Woman and the murky law , back in 2008 another Citizen filed a similar case and it was dismissed

BUT before you sound the trumpets of happiness and joy , you need to read why it was dismissed 2008

It was refused because it covered all districts which the current one seem to cover all its bases

now we have to wait and see what happen , would the court uphold the law ? or strike it down ?
and if it strike it down wouldn’t mean we need to dissolve the parliament ?

Weekend Thoughts

* Why Am I following a problem at work more than my manager? When not solving the problem is good for me and bad for the manager if the other individuals who are involved in it go to Court…

* I hate it when I say something as a joke and it turn out to be true , I told a colleague that he is going to be investigated , we were all like ha-ha very funny , 20 minute later , he was …

* Why does everything have to be crammed into one day? 4 days of the week I have nothing at night but all recent event invitation is on the other 3 days…

* Why does work & assignment come either 20 minutes before the end of work day or before you leave your office

* Election over, I would have posted & followed it more but I was busy with my Personal life

* Is logic Importable? Can we Inject logic into people? Why I’m surrounded by illogicality everywhere

* There should be Anti-fad law in Kuwait , even election became a fad …