Category Archives: websites

a link to an intersting site

Blogger Blocked or weak ISP ?

From the all reports from blogs like Fonzation & Zaydon Kems has blocked Blogger Site from view

Now Kems is famous for Blocking Sites when anyone demand it , i’m not pointing fingers but we remmber When aljasim site was blocked by Kems without any Court order or Even a writ en order from anyone ( which could be challenged )

Now any old Internet User in Kuwait would remember Kems as hell , As the one company which Ruined the Internet Fun for users
Dail-up which took 2-3 hours to connect and only stayed for 2 hours connected ( provided you were active on it ) and was slow and you had to pay 65 kd ( 45 if you were a student ) per month for that lousy service

We need Some kind of Law for Internet in Kuwait , you can’t just add a Filter Software and block as you like , you can’t block sites because some guy from State security Called and told you so , there should be written order by a committee to block site and you can challenge them on that verdict , not just block without any idea why or merit

Speaking of Kems i just checked the site
It has couple of problems
1- Its a comapny that offer serivce in kuwait , which the main spoken languge is arabic yet the site has no arabic section
2- The Site has no information about the company , who own it ..etc checking the other ISP sites in Kuwait Qualitynet Has a whole section about who own it
same thing with Fasttelco not to mention United Networks

Kareem Amer A blogger jailed are you next ?

A 22-year-old Egyptian blogger named Abdul Kareem Suleiman Amer assumed the handle ‘Kareem Amer’ on his blogblogong time ago but now people from around the world know him by this name. His blogblogtings, in favor of secularism and women’s rights, led to his expulsion from al-Azhal Azharrsity in early 2006 and solitary confinement in prison since November. This morning an Alexandria court sentenced Kareem to four years in prison for criticcriticizingian President Mubarak and insulting Islam

You may not agree with what Kareem said , but thats not the point , the point is people are getting jailed for saying what they think , your thoughts shouldn’t be jailed
yes i may not agree with at least 1/2 of the blogs that apear on safat agregator religous or political belifs but thats doesn’t mean i want to silince them , for to silence them is indicator that you are weak , your argument can’t not hold up to his argument

Our freedom is shrinking Isp blocking sites left and right , site begin hacked , i heard rumors of the internal secuirty employing newly captured hackers

Iran was cracking down on bloggers , now egypyt , i think we are close by

Today they took kareem , tomorow they come for you !
more information and new at free Kareem
Oh and on a final note , if Kuwait did start to crack down on blogs i wouldn’t last more than a day or two , so i would probably confess about you fast

Flog , The Latest Trend

A new trend in the USA is Flogs

Flogs are fake blogs , that companies create to advertise something , for example

write about Walmart Flog attempt

A pro-Wal-Mart blog called “Wal-Marting Across America,” ostensibly launched by a pair of average Americans chronicling their cross-country travels in an RV and lodging in Wal-Mart parking lots, has been reduced to a farewell entry. One of its two contributors was revealed to be Jim Thresher, a staff photographer for The Washington Post.

The blog, launched Sept. 27, was profiled in this week’s issue of BusinessWeek, which exposed the site as a promotional tactic engineered by Working Families for Wal-Mart (WFWM), an organization launched by Wal-Mart’s public relations firm Edelman. WFWM paid for the RV and all travel expenses, rerouted the trip’s original plan, and plastered a logo on the RV’s side. Though a banner ad announced WFWM sponsored the site, it did not divulge Wal-Mart paid for the couple’s RV, gas, food and other expenses.

Let hope we don’t Import that Trend ( as we always do , we are eager to import all bad trends ) or are they already here ?

Mac lover Sighted !

A friend of mine sent me this

Times Online

    Mainstream news outlets, online journals and bloggers have exploded with praise for the new iPhone, which is out in the US in June and due for European release at the end of the year.

    Bocajob, on Bojacob’s den, said: “I’m trading my 500 year-old heirloom for iPhone!” “I may be getting overexcited, but you cannot help admitting that the thing is going to rock the cell-phone world forever. I was refreshing the Engadget page like crazy, reading every inch of text I could lay my eyes on. The thing is friggin SWEET!,” he said.

if you are wondering where you read that name before , wonder no more , its Bojacob ( which they wrote as bocajob har har har ) from Bojacob Den which i link to , an acquaintance of mine 😛

Kinda funny to have him quoted 🙂