Category Archives: websites

a link to an intersting site

Get my name right !

So i was checking around blogs as i always do , and saw that Fonzy over at Fonzation posted that he wrote an article for a coffee table magazine called student talk , i didn’t read the article so didn’t want to comment on it , but last week i was at Dunken Donuts salmiya and saw they had couples so i picked up one , after flipping pages after pages of adds with too much colors i found the article , i read it up , nice article but i found this


Who the hell is Forza , i assume he mean my site , well the site name is Forzaq8 , notice the Q8 at the end ? its what make the nickname unique .

Forza has no meaning when writen alone , the combination of the two worlds ( FORZA + Q8 ) is my nickname and name of this blog.

Its FORZAQ8.NET , the name of the blog is Forza Kuwait , do not short it , do you call lebanon leb ? do you call kuwait ku ? ” o h yeah i had a flight from leb to ku ” has no meaning , same thing when saying forza blog .

Until i get Justice i’ll do serveral things;
first i changed fonzation link in my blogroll into FO , because he enjoy shorting up people nicknames it seem .

other meassures to follow later.

AlQabas Again

Another Proof that newspapers in kuwait are becoming wrose every day , i just hope the new newspaper inspire them
to imporve , but i feel it wouldn’t

Now reading today newspapers , i found this on alqabas newspaper

أجريت مسابقة لأفضل زي من مسرحية أو فيلم سينمائي أو عمل تلفزيوني، في مدينة سيئول بكوريا الجنوبية يوم أمس، بمشاركة متسابقين وازياء من مختلف أنحاء العالم. (الصورة: متسابقتان تعرضان ازياء فنية)

Yesterday there was a contest for the best costume from a play or a cinematic movie or a TV series in Seoul in south Korea
with contestant and customes from around the world ( picture : 2 contestant showing their costume )

Link to the article in the newspaper online site

And i was like . Wait a minute , what kind of discription is that ? those customes are for play or TV series , they are for a Game ,
and since i was playing that Game ( World of Warcraft ) i know what they were wearing and what it mean
the company had an event in South Korea at that time also !

from the press relase from blizzard site

SEOUL, South Korea – May 19, 2007 – Blizzard Entertainment® today unveiled StarCraft® II, the sequel to its award-winning real-time strategy game StarCraft, at the 2007 Blizzard Worldwide Invitational event in Seoul, South Korea. The announcement took place inside the Olympic Gymnastics Arena

And it has no relation what so ever to the description they wrote ! , movies ? TV series ? what gives ?

But you may say ” what if they were talking about another event ”

Well the picture they provided in the article clearly show where it was taken ( which by the way they didn’t credit to no one , typical Alqabas fashion )


See the picture they have , check the upper part


Now check the Olympic Gymnastics Arena picture
( taken by Yoshito Isono link )


Here is a bigger Picture of the stadium

My point ? The newspaper had a picture , didn’t know what was happening , someone wrote some random stuff
that may be fine for a student newspaper but i expected better from a respected newspaper .

If you want to check the article in PDF [newspaper site ]

For more about bad perfomance of kuwaiti newspaper you can check my older posts here and here not to forget this

Losing Faith in Newspaper reporting

It may sound as a small thing but if newspaper can’t fact check their reporting who will ?

today i was reading AlQabas newspaper and read a report about Freedom in Bahrain , today part was about internet freedom and i read this

مدونات المجهولين
الضغط الذي يتعرض له المدونون في البحرين وخشيتهم من المساءلة والاعتقال جعلهم يكتفون باطلاق مدوناتهم بوحي مستعار نقتص من مدونة الزميلة باسمة القصاب بعضا من هذه الاسماء الاثيرية التي لا تعني لاحد من هواة التقارير شيئا : المسكوت عنه، صوت المواطن، مدخنة الرياش، حشد بلا وجه، مداس آية الله، سراديب الصمت، مارون الراس، درب الفراشات، صندقة الملا، طاحونة الادرج، بحرين فوكس، فوبيا، عرين محمود، زرنوق بحراني، جدل، شقيقي 72، ان كنت ذا راي، بحرانية، فوضى، السواد الاعظم، ازاميل، تأملات، تراتيل الانتظار، ارض دلمون او ما تبقى من اوال، اللامنتمي، جدار مخطط، مزاجية، الاميرة، قصر الامبراطور، هذيان، هوامل، اثر الفراشة،، واكثر من هذا العدد لا نعرفه.
هذه الاسماء اختفت لانها غير محمية ولانه لا يوجد قانون يؤمنها، وحتى قانون الصحافة لا يتدخل في شؤون المدونين


unknown Bloggers
The pressure that blogger in bahrain face and they fear that they will questioned and arrested made them start their blogs
with nicknames and from the blog of basma al qasab we pick up some of these names : ……… ( bunch of names )
Mahmood Den
and more of these who we don’t know
these names have disappeared because they are not protected and there is no law to save it , even the press law does’nt interfere with them

So the guy couldn’t fact check anything ? just list few blogs and thats it ?
without even checking the rest of the names i know Mahmood’s Den , its the oldest Bahrani Blog and most famous , he was just arrested in bahrain ( so much for not interfering )

Now it maybe a Small Fact , but when the reporter can’t even Fact check a small thing like that ( which would take him what ? 10-20 minute , as he listed them off a blog already so he has the links ) and whats with disappeared ? i’m sure if i check the list i would find most of them still online and posting , or he just add stuff for dramatic effect ? how can i belive anything that reporter or Alqabas post now that a small thing and they can’t get right ?

More examples
Late news
Bad reporting ?
Stealing Pictures ?

Oh and one great line from the article ( show you how much he knows of internet )

وحتى الانترنت بالغ السرعة فلا يناهز 15 غيغا
وهذا مؤشر على ان ثمة تعمدا في حصر مجال الانترنت على الغالبية العظم
Even high speed internet does not go over 15 Gb which is an indicator that they want to limit the internet for all

OH MY GOD , 15 Gb is limiting !! i want to know what the hell was he smoking !

Kuwaiti Blogger Conspiracy …

Alwatan Newspaper discovered a kuwaiti blogger conspiracy
according to their news post

تشير هذه الشخصية البرلمانية الى ان «التجربة اثبتت ان المدونات الالكترونية نوعان، احدهما مؤقت أو غير متواصل يظهر ويغيب أو ربما يظل فترة بسيطة فلا يعود بعدها، وهذا وراءه نصف هواة أو مبتدئون أو نزوة فرّغت شحنة نفسية وانتهت.. اما الثاني فهم اصحاب اجندة عمل واهداف مرسومة ويتبعون تنظيما أيا كان حجمه.. فعملهم ليس صدفة أو نزوة، وفي النوعين تتوافر السرية.. الاول ضاعت حقيقته باستبعاد صاحبه عما اقدم عليه.. والثاني يظل يتداول فعله مع محيط عمله وفق آلية لها حدود العلن وآفاق الكتمان».

The Parliament member says that the ” experience prove that blogs are two kinds , one is a temporary and not continued appear and disappear and maybe stay for a short while but never return and this is from half amateurs
the second kind are people with agenda and planed targets and follow what ever its size , their work is not Coincidence and in the two kind there is secrecy , the first the Truth is lost about why he did it and the second still commenting his crime

This is going to be the first part of my expose on Kuwaiti bloggers

Our first is nibaq with his blog Savior Machine
some of you know nibaq as the guy who is running KuwaitBlogs site
on his blog about page he claim

I work in the import/export business. We import um stuff, and export…nothing.

Is that the truth ? check this and think

On his blog Wednesday April 4, 2007 , he posted that he is in Turkey

I am 80km from Istanbul in a small hotel needing a ferry ride and a two hour drive

Kuwaitis in Turkey thats normal right ? well no , its not the traveling season yet , because most schools / Universities aren’t on vacation yet , yet nibaq went to Turkey

And Check who else is in Turkey now

KUWAIT: The tour of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser AlـMohammed AlـSabah to Turkey

Coincidence ? i think not

more to come ….

Searching for News about new government in kuwait ? , kuna is not where to get it

its kinda sad that i wanted to read offical news about the new government and i check Kuna site
Kuna is Kuwait News Agency and is the offical one

I have been trying to check the online site for 30 minutes now its been giving me errors
imeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

why should i check newspaper sites ( alwatan is the only one updating online it seem )

My advice to Kuna ? Pay for a better Host