A new Documentary with voice by Morgan Freeman
you can watch the trailer here
and the movie site
this one Documentary Purgatory72 wouldn’t miss 🙂
a link to an intersting site
A new Documentary with voice by Morgan Freeman
you can watch the trailer here
and the movie site
this one Documentary Purgatory72 wouldn’t miss 🙂
Its now offical [via]
if we go by specs , ps3 is better than the Xbox 360
but sony wouldn’t settle for a ” better ” it seem , they are going for the kill
while Xb0x 360 backwards compatibility is still rumors ( nothing is confermed )
sony says that ps3 is firmly compatibile
CD PlayStation CD-ROM, PlayStation 2 CD-ROM, CD-DA, CD-DA (ROM), CD-R, CD-RW, SACD, SACD Hybrid (CD layer), SACD HD, DualDisc, DualDisc (audio side), DualDisc (DVD side)
DVD: PlayStation 2 DVD-ROM, PlayStation 3 DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW
Blu-ray Disc
and its blu-ray !
and the fact that it use most memeory on the market is good also
notice how memory stick ( the one used in nearly most sony products ) is there ? thats good for them
because that what would be called cross product sales
speaking of cross product sale
Sony has the change to do what Game Boy Advance link with Game Cube did before
Link UP ! since both share USB 2.0 and Wi-Fi which could enable the psp to interact with ps3
game that were shown are
Devil May Cry 4
Fight Night 3
Getaway PS3
Warhawk PS3
Tekken 6
Killzone 2 (working title)
Gran Turismo 5
Final Fantasy XII
Red Dead Revolver 2 (working title)
Games Confirmed
Heavenly Sword
Metal Gear Solid 4
pictures from file rush news
much work for Nintendo to try and do better than both sony P3 and Xbox360 , but with the rumors of IBM & ATI working on next Nintendo consule , i expect to get something great !
Gamespot has videos on it [link]
some bloggers have flickr accounts
Flicker was mostly normal people posting pictures they took with their digi-cam , some pro also use it , but not much i think
others are dicovering it and using it , it seem a U.S. Senator has a flicker account as well ! wow , that nice .
wish our parliment members used new Technology , other than mobiles and few members who have bad web sites , our parliment members are the same as the ones in 1960’s
wonder what Al-tabtabaee flicker would be like 😛
it may not seem like much , but foraza has not meaning , forza is the italian word , and my blog name should be forzaq8
i have no idea how i made that silly mistake in my blog headline , maybe because i was too busy checking the code to make work that i didn’t notice the extra A in forzaq8
sometimes when you do something , you overlook the mistakes you did , a friend of mine was talking to me on messenger and told me of the mistake , i didn’t think that was possible , as i double check everything , but as i asid , its easy to miss something when you worked on it , people always think what they do is perfect
anyway , if you linked to my site with the use of the old headline foraza , change it please 😛
some people talked about a blog that got banned here in kuwait by all kuwait ISP
I went around and started checking , and i couldn’t enter it from my ISP and i tried another ISP , same result
so i said to my self , why not try to check on smartfilter URL checker
since its the software some of our ISP use here in kuwait Qualitynet
and what i got ?
List Date: Fri Apr 1 (List: 346)
Hate Speech, Politics/Opinion, Profanity, Sexual Materials, Gruesome Content
like woha ! the blog did suck , but it had it funny moments , i thought it was bad ! but not that bad !
and not only the page is going to get blocked in kuwait , but by all ISP or companies or houses that use
smartfilter products ( which i was told there are a lot )
to compare i had one of the blogs i link to checked , brother Q
it came out as Personal Pages
( Zaydoun with all his political talk still came out as personal pages also )
do you think the ISP had the right to report him as such ?
where do you draw the line ? porn ? flashing breasts ? hair ? uncovered face ?
( i’m not linking to the blog that was banned , he seem to have removed it , but its still in the database )