Category Archives: websites

a link to an intersting site

More Kuwait blogs exposure, thanks Zaydoun

Today on Al-Qabas

وضيوف هذا العام هم:

الدكتور أنس الرشيد وزير الاعلام، النائب محمد جاسم الصقر، النائب حسن جوهر، النائب علي الراشد، الزميل وليد النصف رئيس تحرير القبس، احمد الهارون مدير عام غرفة تجارة وصناعة الكويت، مرزوق الغانم رئيس مجلس ادارة نادي الكويت الرياضي، الدكتور حمود المضف مدير عام الهيئة العامة للتعليم التطبيقي والتدريب، سعود جعفر نائب مدير عام التطبيقي للشؤون الادارية والمالية، ناصر العيار نائب مدير هيئة الشباب والرياضة، الكاتب محمد النغيمش مؤلف كتاب «انصت يحبك الناس

(Kuwaiti Unplugged)الكاتب زياد الدعيج صاحب مدونة على

، طارق الخالد الوكيل المساعد للشؤون الادارية والمالية في ديوان الخدمة المدنية، الشاعر خالد المريخي، الفنان فيصل السعد، فرقة التلفزيون

english for you non arabic readers

The guests this year are :
Kuwaiti Information Minister Dr Anas Al-Rushaid , the head of the parliamentary foreign relations committee Mohammad Al-Saqer, editor-in-chief of daily Al-Qabas Waleed Al-Nesf, MPs Ali Al-Rashid and Dr Hasan Jawhar, Head of Kuwait Sports Club Marzouk Al-Ghanim, Kuwaiti Ambassador in Washington Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah, Director-General of Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ahmad Al-Haroun
Humod Al Muthaf General Manager of PAAET , Saud Jafar Vice general manager of PAAET , Naser al Ayar vice manager of the commission of youth and sport , book author mohamod al nugamish author of the book “listen & people love you “ , blogger Ziyad Al Duaje of the blog Kuwait unplugged Tariq al khalid the under secretary of Civil service commission , poet Khalid al Mareeki , singer Faisal al Saad , TV band

Yay for more exposure !

One thing that I hate about it, is that it proved how lazy our newspaper have become
the evidince is in arabic

On 26 of November they wrote

طارق الخالد الوكيل المساعد للشؤون الادارية والمالية في ديوان الخدمة المدنية

Tariq Al Khalid , the under secretary of Civil service commission for Administrate and Financial affair

On 15 of September they wrote

الوكيل المساعد لشؤون البعثات ونظم المعلومات طارق الخالد

Tariq Al Khalid , the under secretary of Civil service commission for Delegations & IT affair

Small thing , but come on ! a freaking newspaper and they don’t check the information they have ?

New Novel writing

A lot Read Novels , be it arabic or english

But the Internet have opened a New way to Write novels , its a very inovative way for writing

Famous Online comic penny-arcade Have started a new project , which is Epic Legends of the Hierarchs: The Elemenstor Saga , what so inovative about it you wonder ? well check his discription of it

This is a “popular franchise” that began life as a CCG but now has a boardgame, a pen and paper variant, a Saturday morning cartoon, a series of limited edition busts, a CG animated direct to video feature, and upcoming MMO and a line of “totally street” hip-hop fashions – all of which strive to remain canonical.

the Inovative part is that if you search for it on google , its not there !
they have a wiki where the people add , edit & define the Saga !

The idea is new , and i think its good , but not good to become THE way to write novels , but a new way none the less

Update on Marvel entering the arab Market

On the Old Post I got this comment from Naif ( who i’m assuiming to be Dr Naif al Mutawa

Hi there.

We are indeed launching our own heroes based on an Islamic Paradigm. Teshkeel has the fomrer publisher of Marvel and the former head of marketing of Marvel both working for us. Further, our own concept, called The Ninety Nine, will be launching in 2006. I personally created the concept and am co-writing the first twleve books with a Marvel writer and our artwork is being done by Marvel talent as well. Next year, the world will have new heroes! Please sign up on our website to get up to date information.

Best of Luck To Tashkeel