I could swear he wanted to blog anonymously, but it changed it seem
Ziad al-Duaij, a 41-year-old Kuwaiti communications executive, points to his “Kuwait Unplugged” blog, one of the longest-running blogs in the Gulf region, at his home in Kuwait City. Duaij is part of a new breed of of Arab activists who are increasingly using blogs to press for more political rights and civil liberties in conservative Gulf states.
Why they didn’t attack this one yet? I think because they don’t know who is behind it yet
They don’t want to attack it and then find out it’s by big guy and lose cool points .
I predict that once they find out it’s by someone with a Beard or from جمعيه الاصلاح الاجتماعى (how you translate that to English? Social fixing society? ) hell gates will be open, and Photoshop will be overused .