Category Archives: Funny

something i found on the web and it was funny

Not My game

Politics shouldn’t interfere in games , i was shocked and sicked to hear that people want laws to to control what games we can buy or not

I don’t want laws requires all retailers to check ID from any child trying to buy games

I believe that Parents should take responsibility , not the government , its not freedom thing , its responsibility

ِAttacking people who are proposing the law and trying to frame it as a freedom issue is a last case , every one know we give up freedom for the children
you know what we should do , we should contact the people who are proposing this type of laws , give them an informed argument , if Video Game shops do not hide the rating then the parents should play their role , as in PARENTING

check the law details

oh wait a minute ! thats in the USA !
and these are the guys that introduced the bill

But ,, But your thinking to your self ! , i thought only Islamics think that Way , that Video games are bad for children
Well wake up and move out of the pool of dung and get some information for your self

Of course others will still think only Islamists block video games and hate it , why for them the above guys may look like this

6 Quirks

Tagged by G, Q80-Chill Girl and Bojacob

The Rules:

1. Link the person(s) who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

My 6 Quirks:

1. I can’t stick to anything i have tried everything from animation to photographing to drawing ( my projects on hold list is huge )
2. My productivity is related to my mood , sometimes i get in the mood to create , sometimes i get in the mood to walk .. etc
3. I buy too much electronic gadgets and some of them are redundant ( 3 digital camera and 4 video input for PC )
4. I forget names very fast
5. I can’t describe faces
6. I hate following rules

And to show point 6 , i will not do rules 4 & 5

An Elitist for a Day

So i was called an Elitist by a fellow Kuwaiti Blogger*

After thinking about it for quite some while i decided to act it for a day , and see what happen
after careful planning ( a.K.A spur of the moment ) i decided to run it on Monday ( yesterday ) first i woke up and ate breakfast at caribou coffee , then after meeting with couple of people ( from an English speaking university because that what elitist do i was told )
I went for lunch at maki in Avenue mall ( nothing says elitist as eating raw fish and paying for them more than you would pay for a cooked fish at other restaurants )

Well that was the easy part , now i need some elitist night activity , what to do , what to do ,, then i found it



( for you who do not read Arabic , its a Lecture about the future of Civil society in Kuwait after the election, and it was organized by a student group running for election for the Kuwait national student association USA branch ( civil + USA = elite for sure ) .

I went there ,

and saw couple of poeple like Ahmad Alkateeb and Amer Alzuhair ( which i assume would make me a nationalist وطنى & elitist as well )

if you want to read some major points about it i posted some on another blog [Arabic][5-q8]
I may upload some videos later

* if you to see what he said read this ,, its in Arabic
( which i may get to translate it later )

P.S: i didn’t forget the tag bojacob / G ,and Q80-Chill Girl I’ll get to it tomorrow

Strange Dream

I got a strange dream , and sometimes the only way for me to stop thinking of it is to post it ( as i did before )

So the dream start as i enter my old work place , its a government organizations , i got up the elevator up and go to the floor where my department is located , and once i enter i find a man that resemble a Co-worker ( not in same department ) this guy ( I’ll call him Mohamed )
he is a naggy kind of guy , he doesn’t stop bothering you till you finish what he want ,, anyway , Mohamed is complaining he can’t find his paper and the manager tell him thats its at our old storage area , and he ask the manager how to get there , and the manager tell him that he can’t go there unless an employee accompany him there , and no is free , he leave complaining and angry .

not seconds after he leave the corridor The Kuwaiti Parliament member Ahmad Alsaadon Enter the department and ask for some papers and the manger sigh and says its in the old storage area , so Alsaadon says where it is , and the manager tell him at at a school ( which is strange because our storage area isn’t in a school but in Sulibiya with other government warehouses ) and tell him you need an employee to accompany him there , he turn and look at me and tell why don’t you accompany him there ! , and I’m kinda flabbergasted of the request
so i agree and i go with Alsaadon ( who doesn’t say hi or anything and just go ) then we get to his car , and its a jeep Cherokee ( why i don’t know ) so when i ride in his jeep ( i ride shotgun ) before he move his car i see Mohamed ( the guy from before ) and i tell Alsaadon we should take that guy with us because he is going to the same place , he look at me and the dream end,

No idea what is it about ..