Category Archives: Funny

something i found on the web and it was funny

The Emir Ask Qadsiya Coach to stay ..

Every thing is Fine

[Al-Rai Al-Amm][Arabic]

أعلن محمد ابراهيم مدرب فريق القادسية عدوله عن قرار تركه العمل مع الفريق خلال الموسم المقبل وذلك تلبية لأمر سمو أمير البلاد الشيخ صباح الأحمد الصباح الذي طلب منه ذلك خلال لقائه أمس معه.
وقال ابراهيم: سموه عبر عن رغبته في استمراري في تدريب القادسية للموسم المقبل، وأمام هذه «الرغبة السامية» والتي تعد تكليفا ووساما على صدري فإنني لا أملك امامها سوى القبول والطاعة شاكرا سموه على هذه الثقة الغالية التي أثلجت صدري.
وأضاف ابراهيم: أعاهد سمو أمير البلاد على بذل المزيد من الجهد لمضاعفة العطاء بكل إخلاص وأمانة كعادة كل من ينتمي إلى القلعة الصفراء

Mohammed Ibraheem Qadsiya coach announced that he canceled his Resolution to leave the team in the next season to fulfill his highness the Emir order that he asked him to stay when he met him yesterday
Ibraheem said: his highness expressed his wish that I stay and train Qadsiya for the next season and in front of his highness wish I can not but accept and obey thanking his highness for this Precious trust that warmed my heart
And ibraheem added: I promise his highness the emir to make a greater effort to increase tender wholeheartedly like everyone who belong to the yellow castle*

* Yellow castle: Qadsiya nick name, they can’t seem to stick to one

Some of you who aren’t from Kuwait may wonder who Qadsiya is; well Qadsiya is the Top Team in Kuwait
It has nothing to do with the fact that its president is the nephew of the Emir
Or that he is the Deputy Director of the public authority of youth and sport
Or The Fact that his brother is the Deputy Director of the Kuwait Football association
and many other fact .

T-Shirt Represent !

What on your T-shirt represent you , you can’t wear a T-shirt from tata that says I love Jahra and tell me you want to burn that place down and you never been there …

I always bump into People who wear Shirt that they don’t know why they wear it
The famous example is No Fear and French connection UK T-shirt ones

But the worse was yet to come ..

While I was walking I saw a guy I knew , he was wearing a shirt about the Black Panther Eusébio , I was amazed that someone would wear a T-shirt about an old legend like him ,and that guy never talked about soccer before , so I ask him about it , and he had no idea what I was talking about , and said that some also talked about soccer with him before yet he had not idea why .

Cat Attack !

He is so bad he got under house arrest by the court !

Cisero contends Lewis attacked one neighbor because she stepped into a standoff between Lewis and her cat. Cisero blamed another attack on a neighbor’s attempt to shoo Lewis away from her home after Lewis’ standoff with her cat.

Donna Greenstein of Melody Lane, the Avon saleswoman suing Cisero for $5,000, was visiting a nearby house when Lewis got to her, but Cisero said she may have stepped on Lewis’ tail or closed a door on him.


thats one mean cat
from the Connecticut post online[link]