i kept this page of the today newspaper next to my PC and went out to eat lunch with my family , came back after 2 hours
and it still stuck at 83%
Come on MTC , you should know that you can’t Stream media on Paper
something i found on the web and it was funny
i kept this page of the today newspaper next to my PC and went out to eat lunch with my family , came back after 2 hours
and it still stuck at 83%
Come on MTC , you should know that you can’t Stream media on Paper
I Was shocked when a friend of mine linked me Time Magazine site , he told me and i quote ” check Time site man , they choose you as person of the year ”
so i get to there site and what i find ?
Time Magazine Cover
They relay did , Fantastic
Nope i’m not kidding Chen Zhu from Qatar
Link Page on 15th Asian Games doha 2006 site
I knew Qatar want Fame anyway possible but Importing Fame ?!
Sebastian QUINTANA In the football team
or the famous Bulgarians Weightlifter
Said Assad, one of eight Bulgarians who were essentially traded to the Persian Gulf emirate of Qatar for $1 million last year, got the bronze medal
more on this At this link
its like the half embty cup or half full
Am I 1 year older with more experince or am i 1 year closer to the finish line ?
Questions that does not have an answer
But at least the 5th of December will always be remmbered as Ninja Day !
Some other important stuff that happened on this date
( taken from wikipedia )
Some people who were born on this day