new serivce from Google !
Now in Gmail, you can request a physical copy of any message with the click of a button, and we’ll send it to you in the mail.
more from their site
Gmail Paper
something i found on the web and it was funny
new serivce from Google !
Now in Gmail, you can request a physical copy of any message with the click of a button, and we’ll send it to you in the mail.
more from their site
Gmail Paper
To change my mod i went out to salmiya , picked up Tat and went there .
I was parking my car outside Sultan Center in Salmiya when I first spotted this place. Its located in the backside area near the clinic and because of the name I felt I had to try their Kebabs.
After I was done shopping I put the bags in the trunk of my car and walked over to Kooo? Kebab to order some food. I ordered two Kebab sandwich with no pickles and a coke. Total price? 900fils. I was like “Damn B” this must be some seriously good Kebab if they are charging 400 a piece for it. So, I picked up my two Kebabs and headed to the car where I started eating them.
After my first bite I turned around and told Tat this was a 2.5, but the more I ate it the more I hated it. The Kebab was really bad, like really bad. It tasted really greasy and the garlic flavor was no where to be found so there was nothing to cover up the god awful taste of the Sheep. It was so bad that once I was done with my first Kebab I threw the second one away. I had NEVER done that before!
Now if this was any ordinary crappy place selling Kebabs for 200fils then I might expect something this bad, but 400fils for a Keb ab, thats the big league, fuck that, thats the super league. Most top scoring kebab places charge 300 fils for a sandwich and this joint was charging 400 for the worst kebabs I have ever had. Even the Pepsi can was the small 250ml one, who still sells these, even Bader Al Badoor sells the 330ml Coke cans!
So super high price, small Pepsi can, and most importantly the worst kebab I have ever experienced in my life earned this place half a star out of a possible five. It only got that half star because if I was stuck in the desert with no food except for their kebab then I would consider eating it.
I once talked about a Strange call i got , but that was from people i don’t know ( i still think so , no one claimed responsibility yet )
But sometimes i get Stranger calls from people i know , and it make it sound more stranger
some examples
* Friend calling : hey man, you think i have a chance to score a Brazilian wearing niqab ( veil covering face ) ?
* Relative calling : how can i link a youtube video on blogger ?
* Friend calling : Does the central bank open on Saturday
* Boss calling : you at work ? okay , so … so … so… okay bye ..
If you play Video games or watch movies you must of heard of the word Zombie
A Zombie is purportedly a dead person whose body has been re-animated. [Wikepedia]
You have seen them on Video Games like Resident Evil and Rising Dead and movies like Resident Evil , Army of Darkness & Evil Dead series
Now You wonder why i’m talking about this , well i went to kuwait stock market today to finish some papers and i saw couple of people who walk around like zombies
Which brought up the idea , do arab mythology has zombies ? i never read about it before , and what would we call them ?
Not only that , but if English zombies call out for Brains ” braiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnns ” what would the arab ones call for ?
What if there was a Zombie outbreak in kuwait ? are we Ready for something like that ? is our Police Force / Army Trained on Dealing with zombies ?
So it was Friday and i wanted to go and waste some time , so i just went to Friday market
I was told it was changed , some of it was chanced , some stuff stayed the same
One of the thing that was the same as old times
People don’t know how to park
There some Strange stuff and some nice stuff at Friday Souq
One Strange thing , Used Items with the names of the past user
hell i even found Shield with the name of the guy who got , who would buy anything like that ?!?
if you want to grap old system there are a lot of them there
To watch all the pictures i took at souq Tour check the flicker Set