Category Archives: Funny

something i found on the web and it was funny

Alien horses or midgets ?

why the question you ask ?
was reading today newspaper and found this small thing

horse jumping

alwatan newspaper [link]

what it basically says is that
” It is possible that the Kuwaiti horse jumping team may withdraw from the last round of the Arab competition because of the high height of 150 meters that the horse must jump and the Kuwaitis horses are not eligible for such height ”

wow here ! hold your horses !! 150 meters jump ? what horse can jump that ? is there a horse that can jump 150 meters ?!
i checked horse jumping on wiki there the there is 7 feet’s ( aka 2.6 meters )

so lets assume its 150 centimeter ( which would mean the guy reviewing in that newspaper suck ) what kind of horse we sent there that can’t jump 150 centimeter ?!? as the wiki link it can go as high as 2.6 meters ! and we send horses that can’t jump 1.5 meters ?!

now i want to see that competition ,, i want to see horses jumping 150 meters in the air !!

Kuwait Suspended by FIFA

I don’t know , should i be happy or very happy about these kind of news

Regarding other items, at the request of the Associations Committee, the Kuwait Football Association has been suspended with immediate effect from all international football activities until further notice on account of government interference in the association’s affairs and for infringing its own statutes as well as for failing to comply with a decision passed by the FIFA Executive Committee

FIFA Site[link]

of course i would have been happier if they suspended all soccer / football in Kuwait

I can’t sleep

I was in bed since 2am but i can’t sleep
First at 2:45 its a SMS and my mobile go beep
Then its like flood of them and I’m wondering who is that freak
Who send all this at this time ? its a big heap
Not only that but they are blank ! i wanted to weep
Back to bed and nothing helping even counting sheep
Then thought of posts what to leave and what to keep
And when the ideas finally started to seep
Its time to prayers and to the bathroom i leap
Change of cloth and go start the jeep

red-bull flugtag

Some of you may have heard of it before , some may not
Anyway , Flugtag is Flying Day in German

so Red bull is running the first flugtag in Kuwait this is the offical Page
it will be on 02 November 2007 , which is a friday
and seem like there is 3 teams with bloggers on safat in it ( as far as i know )

First we have team macholic( not the official team name )
the expert team ( or as they claim )

second we have the Net Team ! or team Kkuwaiti( not the official team name )

then the third team is patrick team which i have no idea whats the name is
Edit : the team name is The Phoenix ( for some reason didn’t notice that in the link … )

who i think will do better ?
I think macholic may get a bit then the firmware will be updated and it will brick ! ( ZING ! :p )
Net Team will have the fancier site
and pat team will have prettier picture on the the wing

if you want to view video’s on Youtube about that sport check this link

hopefully I’ll be able to shoot that event and get couple video up for Kuwait red bull flugtag

earthquakes ? what earthquakes

Most news outlets and couple of blogs are saying there was an earthquakes yesterday , normal i’m sleeping but yesterday i stayed up late , i never felt anything , yet one of the news outlets is saying that people get out of their apartment building scared.

Hell there is one blogger blaming the government for not doing anything , what ? what could they do ?

فعلا هذا أقل وصف تستحقه الجهات المسؤولة على هذا الإستهتار و التراخي, النوم بالعسل أو في العسل كلاهما سيان لحكومة.إلى الآن لا تعرف إجازتها “سبت ولا يمعه” فهي في هذا الوقت “شخري” ولا تحس بشئ من الهزة التي حس بها الكثير من سكان الكويت و هي زلزال بقوة 4.3 على مقياس ريختر الذي لم يستطع إفاقة المسؤوليين عن هذا الأمر من نومهم السعيد و دعك كروشهم المنتفخة

this is just what the least of the authorities deserve on this Casualness and inaction , sleeping in honey ( Arabic metaphor for deep sleeping ) or at work are the same for a government that does not know if its holiday is on Saturday or Friday because they are snoring at this time and does not feel the quake that most of Kuwaiti felt and its an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.3 on richter scale which didn’t awake the people responsible from their sleep not to mention their bloated belly

yes we have to blame the government for its mistake but lets not get carried away, thats is just too much in my opinion , what can they do ? call us after it happened ?

detail of the quake @ U.S. Geological Survey[link]