Category Archives: Political

talking about something political , you may not agree with what i said but that doesn’t make your or my opinion not right

Israelis in Kuwait & Saudi Arabia

Yes, they are coming soon, and before you say but the law stop them, check this


As he said, if you got Visa for one Gulf Country you don’t need Visa for the rest,
Qatar has no restriction on Visa for Israeli’s, so they get Qatar Visa and come to Kuwait / Saudi

Got to love ideas that didn’t get much thinking

Do we have faith in Courts ?

So a Citizen and runner up for Election has file a complaint at the constitutional court demanding that Two of the Female candidates win be annulled


This isn’t the First time some file a complaint at the constitutional court because of Woman and the murky law , back in 2008 another Citizen filed a similar case and it was dismissed

BUT before you sound the trumpets of happiness and joy , you need to read why it was dismissed 2008

It was refused because it covered all districts which the current one seem to cover all its bases

now we have to wait and see what happen , would the court uphold the law ? or strike it down ?
and if it strike it down wouldn’t mean we need to dissolve the parliament ?

Alwatan at it again

Alwatan Daily as always , report things that are un-logical


تحصين الجداول الانتخابية، احكمت امره إدارة الانتخابات في وزارة الداخلية، ومن ضمن ذلك «اغلاق الباب امام مزدوجي الجنسية من التصويت في دائرتين مختلفتين، مثلما كان يحدث في الدوائر الـ 25 قبل الغزو، وبعده بسنوات قليلة».

واكد مسؤول طلب عدم نشر اسمه لـ «الوطن» ان «مزدوج الجنسية لن يستطيع الادلاء بصوته مرتين، حتى لو اختلف اسمه في الاثبات الكويتي عن هويته في الدولة الخليجية الاخرى، وهذا بفضل رصد الارقام الموحدة وارقام الجنسية والبطاقة المدنية، ووضع ذلك في برنامج خاص في اجهزة كمبيوتر سرية، اضافة الى كشوف محصنة يمنع التلاعب فيها».

The election department in the Ministry of Interior is done with securing the electorate list , among it closing the gate on people with dual nationality to vote in two separate districts as it happened before the Iraqi Invasion and couple of years after it

An unnamed Source assured Alwatan Daily that ” A dual Nationality would not be able to vote twice even if his name in the Kuwait ID does not match his Gulf ID and that is by tracking the National Number and Nationality identification and Civil ID and putting all that in secret computer programs and secure list that can’t be manipulated

Now you may be asking , that sound fine and dandy , whats my beef with them ?
I’ll tell you what

What use is it ?


To vote you need to present your Kuwaiti Nationality paper , you Civil ID or Driving license is not accepted , HOW DO YOU USE YOUR GULF ID FOR IT ?!?!?

Oh and that news report is written by 11 people !! and contain at least 14 news item mashed in one news report …..