Category Archives: Political

talking about something political , you may not agree with what i said but that doesn’t make your or my opinion not right

Oh yeah only in Islam

There seem to be a lot of people who keep saying there is a problem with Muslims

Like Why wouldn’t they want to show female pictures ?

Or Why would they protest if someone used a picture of someone holy to them in an inappropriate matter

Or even the sick things like Celebrating in the street for people getting killed

Why it is only Muslims that do these stuff ? WHY ?

Mofa Blunder or is it ?

(Dual languge post for importance of the topic )

While browsing i saw this
اليوم و انا اتصفح شفت الخبر التالي
From Alaan [Link][Arabic]

قال مدير عام المعهد الدبلوماسي في وزارة الخارجية السفير عبد العزيز الشارخ ان نتائج اختبار المتقدمين للعمل بالوزارة سيتم الاعلان عنها صباح غد الخميس عبر الموقع الالكتروني للوزارة على شبكة الانترنت
واضاف السفير الشارخ في تصريح لوكالة الانباء الكويتية (كونا) اليوم انه يمكن للمتقدم للعمل بالوزارة ان يعرف نتيجته بعد ان يقوم بادخال رقم بطاقته المدنية في المكان المخصص لذلك على الموقع المشار اليه اعلاه.

The General Manager of the Diplomatic institute in the Ministry of foreign affair said that the results of the Diplomats is going to be published online on the ministry website

So i wanted to check it, i go to Mofa Site
and click the link on the corner , and where it take me ?

طبا اكيد ابي اشوف شلون حاطينها ، بعد ما ضغطت علي الرابط بالزاويه وين وداني ؟

Wait a minute , what is this Sell11 ?

لحظه لحظه ! شنو هالموقع ؟

ITS A CAR SELLING SITE , really Mofa , your diplomat information at a car selling site ?

حراج!!موقع حراج سيارات ؟
خلصت المواقع ياوزاره الخارجيه حاطين بيانات الدبلوماسيين علي الحراج ؟

This has only one , and one meaning , the guy who published it in the minsitry own the other site , and wanted the Traffic

هذا معناه شيء واحد ، الشخص الذي كلف بنشر المعلومات يملك موقع الحراج و اراد ان يرفع عدد زوار موقعه

What a Shame

A positive in a sea of Negative

With all the negative news here and there , Sometimes you see a positive thing

From Alanba [Link][Arabic]

برفض اتحاد الكرة توفير حكام لهذه المباراة بسبب اعتداء لاعب النصر احمد عباس على الحكم وليد الشطي في المباراة الودية السابقة للنصر مع العربي، وطالب اتحاد الكرة باستبعاد عباس من المباراة حتى يتم توفير حكام لهذه المواجهة إلا ان النصر رفض الطلب بحجة أن ادارة الـــنادي هي المســــؤولة عن إيقاف اللاعب مــــن عدمه وبناء عليه رفضت لجنة الحكام في اتحاد الكرة توفير الحكام.

The Football Federation refused to provide referees for the friendly game because Al-Naser ( Saudi Arabia ) player Ahmad Abbas attacked The Referee Waleed AlShati in the Past game between Al-Naser ( Saudi Arabia ) And Al-Arabi ( Kuwait ) , The Federation asked that the Player not play the game , and When Al-Naser refused The Federation Refused to provide Referees

Wow a place that actually care about its employee , a positive thing in Kuwait …

Told you so

I normally hate to do a Told you so Post , but because it prove my point about Kuwaiti Newspaper creditability

Back in 2009 i post that AlQabas tried to downplay the figure paid to Tony Blair [Link], ignoring that in this age , we have more access to the West transparency that we used to

back in that post i said its more than 10 Million , well the amount came out recently and its 27 Million Bound [Link][Daily Mail]

Tony Blair’s company stands to earn £27million for advising the oil-rich Kuwaiti government

One shinning example of one of the Major Kuwaiti problem

alaan [Arabic] ( kuwaiti online newspaper ) posted the answer provided by the Minster of publich health for the parliment member

The question was about the appointment of the health atachee in Germany
One part just show one major problem in Kuwait

ثالثاً: الطلبات المقدمة لشغل وظيفة ملحق صحي عدد (27) طلبا استبعد منها 18 طلبا لعدم استيفائهم للشروط الواردة بالقرار الوزاري رقم 60/ 2007 وقرار مجلس الخدمة المدنية رقم 7/ 1993 بشأن وظائف ومرتبات الأطباء الكويتيين :

Third , the number of application were 27 , 18 were excluded for not fulfilling the requirements which were published in the Ministry Decree 60/2007 , and the Decree of the Council of Civil Service commission number 7/1993

18 out of 27 , over 66% DIDN’T FULFILL THE REQUIREMENTS , they didn’t fail in the interview ( which is normal ) THEY DIDN’T EVEN HAVE THE REQUIREMENTS TO APPLY YET THEY APPLIED NONE THE LESS

its clearly some didn’t bother to read the requirements or check if they meet it or not , which is a huge problem , and a lot it seem do not check or read before hand , and that is one thing can be solved with transparency, like in this example people can’t see they kicked more than half of the applicant just to interview their buddies , because we know why each one was refused