Category Archives: press

Who write these captions ?!?

Its Clear that newspapers pick up random pictures out of thin air and insert any random caption on it , there is no other explanation for it

AlQabas did it before [Link]

Well now Alwatan go for it with the random naming


In arabic
” هيلارى كلنتون تقوم بأداء مشهد كوميدى لدى ظهورها ببرنامج محلى بولايه فيلادلفيا امس ”

ُEnglish Translation
” Hillary Clinton perform a comedic act while appearing on a local program in state of Philadelphia yesterday ”

First of all , Philadelphia is a city , the state is Pennsylvania

Second : local program ? its the freaking Colbert Report , how the hell can they call it local Show , its huge in the USA and its not a local Pennsylvania show anyway

Do we need to be put on notice ?

Ministry of Disiformation snopes on blogs

This was published in Alwatan daily in kuwait ( same people that seem to hate & attack blogs for some reason )

فريق متخصص شكلته الحكومة «لاعداد ضوابط رقابة على مستخدمي الانترنت ومؤسسي المواقع الالكترونية والمدوّنات السياسية»، يكون باكورة تشريع يتضمن عقوبات محددة تقر في مجلس الامة

A specialized team formed by the government for the preparation of checks and control over internet users and electronic sites and political blogs which would be the bases of a legislation with specified penalties to be set up by the parliament

The world is passing us and all what the government care about is what blogs are saying ?

China has tried before you and its failing , they had better technology , they had better knowledgeable manpower and had a bigger market ( good for pressure on companies like google / yahoo ) we don’t have any of that stop wasting your resources on things that wouldn’t imporve anything

Have you seen Kuwait TV ? wait i don’t think anyone watch it anymore even , i have visited many friends houses who do not have Kuwait channels on satalite even , have you seen Kuwait Radio ? worse shape even , go see those

oh and about the law , if there was any need to register i would not register and would contest the law in court god willing ( ان شاء الله)

The world is Watching , the ball in your court MOdI , lets see what you do with it

Muna Al-Fuzai should be stopped from writing

I don’t usually follow English newspapers in Kuwait , but it does seem they have a low standard of writers ( or lack off )
there is no other explanation why they leave someone like Muna Al-Fuzai still writing in Kuwait Times

First we had Everyone get Raped in Kuwait thing

and now we get this is her recent article [Link][Kuwait Times]
[PDF] In case its removed

A religious Islamic ruling was made recently to approve the husband’s right to take his wife’s salary because the time she spent outside was his own and thus he is entitled to take her salary

What ? are you drunk , who the hell said anything like that ?

its not logical and not only that but Islam doesn’t promote this

004.032 وَلا تَتَمَنَّوْا مَا فَضَّلَ اللَّهُ بِهِ بَعْضَكُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ لِلرِّجَالِ نَصِيبٌ مِمَّا اكْتَسَبُوا وَلِلنِّسَاءِ نَصِيبٌ مِمَّا اكْتَسَبْنَ وَاسْأَلُوا اللَّهَ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمًا
004.032 And in no wise covet those things in which Allah Hath bestowed His gifts More freely on some of you than on others: To men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn: But ask Allah of His bounty. For Allah hath full knowledge of all things.

Al-Qur’an, 004.032 (An-Nisa [Women])

Also another Online Fatwa from IslamOnline

أجمعَ فقهاء المسلمين على أن لكلٍّ من الزوجين ذِمّته الماليّة، ولا ولاية لأحد الزوجين على الآخر في المال ولا في النفس، ولا ينوب أحدهما عن الآخر إلا بطريق الوكالة أو التفويض، وأنّ عقد الزواج لا يُرتِّب إلا الحقوق الزوجية، وأوجب الإسلام على الزوج أن يُنفِق على زوجه كل أنواع النَّفقة المُتعارَف عليها في كل عصر وأوان، وليس لأيٍّ منهما حقُّ التصرُّف في مُمتلكات الآخر إلا بما جرى به العُرْف في متاع المنزل والمعيشة، وإذا كان هذا لم تندمِج أموالُهما بمُقتضى عقد الزوجية، وإنما يكون هذا بتراضيهما وبمقتضى عقود التصرف في الأموال المعروفة شرعًا والمتعارَف عليها كالشِّركة بأنواعها المشروع

Muslim scholars unanimously Agree that each spouse have a separate , and no spouse has the control of the other wealth or life and no spouse may have mandate over the other unless by agency , and marriage only arrange conjugal rights and Islam requires the husband to cover all his wife expenses that is the norm in every age and time
and not any of them has the right to dispose of the property of the other unless its the custom in the home objects and their money isn’t combined by marriage , its only combined by ways of regular contracts like company and such

so what we get it ?

Kuwait Times , please stop Muna AL-Fuzai

Link to article spoted at [intlxpatr]

Alien horses or midgets ?

why the question you ask ?
was reading today newspaper and found this small thing

horse jumping

alwatan newspaper [link]

what it basically says is that
” It is possible that the Kuwaiti horse jumping team may withdraw from the last round of the Arab competition because of the high height of 150 meters that the horse must jump and the Kuwaitis horses are not eligible for such height ”

wow here ! hold your horses !! 150 meters jump ? what horse can jump that ? is there a horse that can jump 150 meters ?!
i checked horse jumping on wiki there the there is 7 feet’s ( aka 2.6 meters )

so lets assume its 150 centimeter ( which would mean the guy reviewing in that newspaper suck ) what kind of horse we sent there that can’t jump 150 centimeter ?!? as the wiki link it can go as high as 2.6 meters ! and we send horses that can’t jump 1.5 meters ?!

now i want to see that competition ,, i want to see horses jumping 150 meters in the air !!