Category Archives: press

Blair to teach Kuwait how to Governt it self

This Tidbit headup from AlQabas Daily , this is the link the actual posting in the daily telegraph

While AlQabas is reporting on a figure of more than a million Dollar , the clip at the source of the news clearly say its more

Tony Blair Associates, as the commercial partnership is called, has already signed up its first client, the government of Kuwait, which is understood to have agreed a seven-figure deal for continuing advice from the former Prime Minister.

Mr Blair is counselling the constitutional monarchy of the oil-rich state on “good governance”, according to his spokesman.

Seven figure = > 10,000,000 £ ( pound and not dollars )

clearly AlQabas while having a scope trying to downplay how much he got ( which result in failure , because we can cross check the news just as i did )

I hope we learn something usefull from Tony Blair

Oh yeah , Tony Blair handled Parliment grilling every week , Prime minister …. dealing with grilling … ( hint hint wink wink …)

AlQabas Went Crazy with Ads ?

So was Reading AlQabas Today and i think the Editors are missing in action or just crazy
how do you approve ads like these ?

In one Page they had an ad about some companies that aren’t going to be in the gold expedition
that’s okay and fine


So okay they aren’t going to attend , And that is kinda strange that you need to announce that but they don’t stop at that


Wait a minute , if you don’t want to go that okay , you don’t to add another Ad claiming that you are 85% of the market ( when you are all one company as you said in your first ad )

And this there is strange Ad that i have no idea how to explain
( and yes I’m keeping the e-mail , he has his picture in a newspaper )


AlSharq AlAwsat & Obama Coverage ..

So i was reading AlSharq AlAwsat ( saudi newspaper printed in the UK & Kuwait among other places )
when i saw this [Link][Arabic]

it is a topic about Obama and how comerice is getting involvied

what got my attention is just random cut and paste , a bad
which is show in this paragraph


First they write Marvel Channel, when it’s an Entertainment company (which focus on comics)
That they present special shows (what? where?) And issue special Batman and Obama comic issue

Batman and Obama? While clearly in the pictures provided with the article it shows Spider MAN
(Owned by Marvel) and no Batman (owned by DC comic)

and you would assume a big newspaper like AlSharq AlAwsat would do a small fact check like NOTICEING THAT SPIDERMAN DOES NOT TRANSLATE INTO BATMAN !

Kuwait Is Watching Blogs

Or that’s what Alwatan newspaper is saying that the Minister of Miss-communication is saying [link][Arabic]

AlWatan for those that do not follow Kuwait local newspaper , is basically anti-blogs for some reasons

I would say AlWatan is the Worst Newspaper in Kuwait reporting wise but it is kinda hard to know who is worse in news reporting in Kuwait , its like watching pigs and wondering which is less ugly than the other

For example i dislike the way Alwatan write its news , for some reason a news report must have something not connected to it at all
like the report about blog spying for some strange and unexplained reason they have attached the news that there is 1800 cases relating to the banking loans the Ministry of Justice is looking at now , what connection it has to the thing about Internet Censorship ? nothing , why not write it in another Box ? do they have limited number of box’s and they can’t add extra ?

Another thing you will see if you Read the same issue of Alwatan , is that Mohammad al-Sager ( Kuwaiti Parliament member ) car was stuck in the sand

okay ?

And ?

No really is that first page material ? nothing else to put on First page ?
I could understand the last page or the funny section but first page ? come on , really ?

Sadly in the end , most newspaper suck , can’t seem to find a good one yet

Wussy News Reporting

It amaze me sometimes how newspapers report the news in kuwait

Second day of Eid a fight broke out in The Avenues mall
everyone heard of it , either from blogs [Link][Arabic]
or from newspaper [Link][Arabic]

And all mention a fight in Avenues mall

All but one …

So do they say ?

مشاجرة شبابية
استنفرت الاجهزة الأمنية في محافظة العاصمة فور تلقيها بلاغا عن نشوب مشاجرة بين عدد كبير من المراهقين داخل احد المجمعات الشهيرة في منطقة الري مساء امس.
وقال مصدر امني انه وفور تلقي البلاغ توجهت الدوريات الامنية ورجال الطوارئ الطبية الى المجمع، لافتا الى ان رجال الامن تمكنوا من القاء القبض على عدد من الشباب المتشاجرين وإحالتهم الى مخفر الاندلس، مشيرا الى ان هناك خسائر مادية لحقت ببعض المحلات التجارية جراء اتلاف واجهاتها.

received a report on a fight between a large number of teenagers inside a famous Mall in AlRai District

i want to read newspaper reporting on the news , not hint , else i would buy a Mystery book