Category Archives: press

A positive in a sea of Negative

With all the negative news here and there , Sometimes you see a positive thing

From Alanba [Link][Arabic]

برفض اتحاد الكرة توفير حكام لهذه المباراة بسبب اعتداء لاعب النصر احمد عباس على الحكم وليد الشطي في المباراة الودية السابقة للنصر مع العربي، وطالب اتحاد الكرة باستبعاد عباس من المباراة حتى يتم توفير حكام لهذه المواجهة إلا ان النصر رفض الطلب بحجة أن ادارة الـــنادي هي المســــؤولة عن إيقاف اللاعب مــــن عدمه وبناء عليه رفضت لجنة الحكام في اتحاد الكرة توفير الحكام.

The Football Federation refused to provide referees for the friendly game because Al-Naser ( Saudi Arabia ) player Ahmad Abbas attacked The Referee Waleed AlShati in the Past game between Al-Naser ( Saudi Arabia ) And Al-Arabi ( Kuwait ) , The Federation asked that the Player not play the game , and When Al-Naser refused The Federation Refused to provide Referees

Wow a place that actually care about its employee , a positive thing in Kuwait …

Told you so

I normally hate to do a Told you so Post , but because it prove my point about Kuwaiti Newspaper creditability

Back in 2009 i post that AlQabas tried to downplay the figure paid to Tony Blair [Link], ignoring that in this age , we have more access to the West transparency that we used to

back in that post i said its more than 10 Million , well the amount came out recently and its 27 Million Bound [Link][Daily Mail]

Tony Blair’s company stands to earn £27million for advising the oil-rich Kuwaiti government

AlQabas Has Exclusive information !

this may come as a shock to many people , but its seem an Arabic newspaper from Kuwait has new that would send shock waves in the whole internet


يستعد نظام تشغيل «أندرويد» الذي صممته غوغل للهواتف الخلوية، كي يصبح هو نظام التشغيل المعتمد لهواتف «آي فون» من أبل

Android Operation system that was designed by Google for mobile is gearing up to be the approved operation system for Iphone Mobiles from Apple

Very shocking ! never expected this ! and nothing was mentioned of this information on any Tech site ! kudos AlQabas for this Exclusive information , a shinning example for news reporting in Kuwait

Fail Compliment !

Some people shouldn’t try to quote or compare Kuwaiti stuff to American

from AlQabas [Link][Arabic]

من هذا المنطلق لا بد من كلمة عدل تقال بحق بعض برامجنا الحوارية في الكويت، التي تتحلى بالموضوعية والتعددية في الرأي ومنها برنامج «اللوبي» الذي تقدمه قناة «العدالة» في الكويت. هذا البرنامج يذكرنا ببرنامج حواري ليلي يقدمه الاعلامي ديفيد ليترمان في الولايات المتحدة الاميركية، فيستضيف اشخاصا يتحدثون عن اشياء كثيرة وبوجهات نظر متعارضة احيانا.


From this point a word must be said about about some of our Debate show in kuwait , which demonstrate objectivity and pluralism of opinion, including the program «lobby» provided by the channel «justice» in Kuwait. This program reminds us of the program talk presented by David Letterman , who get many people to talk about many things and sometimes conflicting perspectives.

really ? conflicting perspectives ? on David Letterman ? are you for real ?
The «lobby» program host either one guest or more and they talk among them self , i don’t see a freaking band or a funny monologue at the start , or top ten , the guy wiring the article clearly didn’t see Letterman , because i did and did see the «lobby» and there is no similarities between both

Comment siphoning

I think we have a problem with online etiquette here in Kuwait

Okay so you read a topic you liked in another blog, you comment on it and post part of it in your site / blog that is fine and great

But reposting the full article even with a link and just opening comments is quite rude
And its get insulting when a major newspaper site does it

Alwatan (even in a good gesture thing they manage to make it evil, really diabolical)

this article is just a copy paste from another blog ( which they linked in the headline )


but they still left comments open , if they had online etiquette or even some common sense , they would have closed comments and made people comment at the original article , so the writer can know what others said about his article , not search around the internet to see who said what about what he is thinking

And make the link clickable