i’m joining Nychick and Shurouq
in celebrating the first pizza day
and thats from little ceasar
A new Documentary with voice by Morgan Freeman
you can watch the trailer here
and the movie site
this one Documentary Purgatory72 wouldn’t miss ๐
Sometimes I hate university assignment, now I have to write & present a persuasive speech about a topic
Persuasive speech means I have to convene my audience of something, my god how can you convince Kuwaitis of anything?! This is a freaking hard task, if Kuwaitiโs were easy to convince we would be nick and nick with USA in space now!
Second problem is choosing a topic, what topic would be easy for the teacher and other student to follow, you don’t want to go political, that would be boring for most or go deep technical, and you would lose your audience
I was thinking of talking about Apple and shoot a Switch Ad with nibaq in it ๐ , but I don’t use apple so it wouldn’t be ethical ๐
Topics i know people are going to present , Ps3 , Xbox 360 , PsP , best way to quit smoking
and i’m sure some guy is going to cover something that would make me hate him and his topic
Cops zeroed in on Lin, who once dated the woman, because Ng typed a journal entry into his computer fingering his sister’s ex-boyfriend as the suspect, police said.
“He wrote that he was wondering why Lin was there and wished he would leave,” said Police Officer Jennara Everleth, an NYPD spokeswoman
freaking scary don’t know think
here is a link to the dead guy blog ( or e-journal)
i was out of the house , and when i came late i found alwatan newspaper outside
now they have a new look , they cut off half of the newspaper and it open now like a tabloid
and its all color
of course all of it color doesn’t mean its better , i think it looks ugly
now i don’t think they can have half page ad on first page with the new layout
and the have Fuad Alhashem article & lame cartoon ( abu nabeel and abu qutada ) on the last page
and i wonder why they changed sport placement , sport used to be on the pages before last page , now its in the middle