All posts by Forzaq8

cyber freedom of speech in kuwait

some people talked about a blog that got banned here in kuwait by all kuwait ISP

I went around and started checking , and i couldn’t enter it from my ISP and i tried another ISP , same result

so i said to my self , why not try to check on smartfilter URL checker
since its the software some of our ISP use here in kuwait Qualitynet

and what i got ?

List Date: Fri Apr 1 (List: 346)
Hate Speech, Politics/Opinion, Profanity, Sexual Materials, Gruesome Content

like woha ! the blog did suck , but it had it funny moments , i thought it was bad ! but not that bad !
and not only the page is going to get blocked in kuwait , but by all ISP or companies or houses that use
smartfilter products ( which i was told there are a lot )

to compare i had one of the blogs i link to checked , brother Q
it came out as Personal Pages
( Zaydoun with all his political talk still came out as personal pages also )

do you think the ISP had the right to report him as such ?

where do you draw the line ? porn ? flashing breasts ? hair ? uncovered face ?

( i’m not linking to the blog that was banned , he seem to have removed it , but its still in the database )

political Rhyme

some silly thing i want to post ( it been in my mind for two days , i wanted it out )

click the midi file to play while reading the Rhyme

Al Baghdadi sat on freedom wall
Al Baghdadi had a great fall
All the Taliban’s horses
And all the elected men
Didn’t want to put Al Baghdadi together again

one silly thing out of mind , ∞ to go

bloggers meeting (2)

today was the kuwaiti bloggers meeting , tatabotata chose souk Sharq starbucks , it was crowded , i think it sucks much

and he didn’t come ! we couldn’t tell him how much the place sucked.

not much pictures this time also , i was soo taken by coversation i forgot to take pictures , not to mention that my laptop WiFi card ( which i changed after the last one stoped working ) was missing its drivers and i didn’t install them before


anyway , this time we had
Nibaq or as some call him blogging godfather
Bloboz the man with crazy thought , the man you always agree with , the blogger who everyone enjoy his posts they steal it
busynow who didn’t bring his psp to tease us ( thank god )
also Sam was there

As always, discussion after discussion, we had fun , learned some intresting stuff

view of the night from where i was setting

Liberation tower

thanks for the fun night blogpals© 🙂

digital future

Two days ago , i read this at nibaq post
about the digital future of hollywood

it seem that the digital revolution did not stop , after the blogs and online donation effect in the 2004 election

Its now charging TV

Al gore and other investor have started Current TV which according to yahoo news What seprate this channel and others is that

Central to their strategy is inviting Current’s viewers to supply their own video content and helping them produce it using editing tools that Current will make available on its Web site.

That video eventually will comprise more than half the programming seen on the channel.

So its going to have more home movies in it that regular TV , and some of these just rock , as seen on some internet sites like ifilm

if you can’t adopt , you don’t live long , and thats why companies like sega nearly closed

Arab comics sudden intrest

It seem that the arab comic market is going to jump big time

First there is the first arab comic books , not a translated one but new heros and stories
heroes like Rakan, Lone Warrior and Aya, Princess od Darkness
from AK comics

And now the US Army is creating its own comic , and its for arabs !
as seen in this Business Opportunities page ( for contracts )
( why can’t we have something like that in kuwait ? )

The series will be based on the security forces, military and police, in the near future in the Middle East in cooperation with the Ministries of Interior of some of those countries. The comic series will be subject to change based on initial focus group testing of a prototype comic. If the subject matter for a specific comic does not do well in its intended focus group then it may be dropped and/or a new basis for the comic will be selected. There may be opportunities for this series to continue and additional comic series to be developed next year based on feedback from the first series.

The comic is being produced by US Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

Fort Bragg is home to the army’s 4th Psychological Operations Group, known as “psy-op warriors”, whose weaponry includes radio transmitters, loudspeakers and leaflets.

BBC article on US army comic
BBC article on first arab comic

Of course it would join the list of many tries to jumpstart comic market in the arab world
like spiderman / x-men comic done in egypot in the 90’s
spiderman backup comic in grendizer comic
the superman / batman comic dones in egypt