All posts by Forzaq8

The Kuwait 9th Jazz Festival

so i went to the “DINNER WITH QUEEN YAHNA” Gala Concert
 Al Hashemi II Grand Ballroom

Queen yahna did the vocal and she has a thunderous voice
Queen Yahna
while Konard Orlowski played the Piano and man can he play a piano good
Konard Orlowski

it was fun , i stayed for 3 hours then saddly i had to leave , but i enjoyed the singing , the food wasn’t that much good , most of it was cold , and some stuff tasted like yesterday food when you reheat it

today ( friday ) is the last day for the jazz Festival , last day is MONTREAL CONNECTION TRIO , don’t know how good they are 🙂

Kuwiki information on the festival

i got some short video clips ( didn’t know my Cyber-shot record sound + video , you learn new things everyday 🙂 ) i may upload some of them later

mystery books (2)

i think they wanted to get the cat lovers on the wagon , so they had a cat with them



this one wasn’t the same as the mytstry five , it was from the same publishing house , but it had more action since both brothers knew karate !

Art Show

i went to the Art Show “Rhythm of the East ”
its a collaboration between two kuwaiti artiest
May Alsaad & Samar Albader
at the art gallery in dahya abdullah alsalim

i took some pictures , but i realy Advice you to go and enjoy the painting ( they aren’t much , but they are Beautifull

yesterday was the opening , and i think it would stay open till the end of this month

speaking of art , don’t miss The Kuwait 9th Jazz Festival April 27-29 2005

edit: forgot to mention the place

S.W.A.T monkey

CNN article

i don’t know about you , but i think this is way crazy idea , imagine a monkey entering and spraying bullets everywhere ! , and how would he know hostage from terroiest !

at least it would make the sentence ” no monkey business ” logical