All posts by Forzaq8

Burger King Kids meal toy ( fantastic four )

yesterday i wanted to get some food between 2 lecture , since i was in hawali i went to the resturant next to the co-op , i noticed that burger king had fantastic four movie toys with kidsmeal
i asked what they had , she showed me three , i got 3 meals and got the 3 toys 😛 ( i was hungry ! )

so before i took the pictures , i asked my self , what would make it look better ? having comic background to each toy from my comic collection !
Dr doom
Dr doom , the toy that can stand !
mr fantastic
MR fantastic , with 2 set of arms ! one short and one strechy !
human tourch
the Human tourch ! with his amazing red flashing chest ?!

oh and the pictures aren’t perfect , the flash kinda block part of the comic titles , i may try to take another picture of them , when i feel like it ( i was too lazy to redo it 😛 )

Kuwait Is a super Power !

not only we spied on Russia !
but we are sending soliders to sudan [via]

Kuwait has agreed to dispatch 150 troops to a UN peacekeeping force being deployed to back a January peace deal which ended two decades of civil war in southern Sudan

step by step , today sudan , tomorow Europe !

by the way , there is a another rally for women right to vote tomorow , this one setup by the student of kuwait universities
so hopefully they break 300 this time 😛

kuwait as a superpower !

we are spying on Russia ! wow

Patrushev said his agency, which is known by its Russian acronym FSB and is the main successor to the Soviet KGB, “has prevented a series of espionage operations carried out through foreign non-governmental organizations.”

He said the groups included the Peace Corps — which pulled out of Russia in 2003 amid FSB spying allegations — as well as the British medical charity Merlin, the “Saudi Red Crescent” and a Kuwaiti group he called the Society of Social Reforms.

link 1
link 2
arabic link

cool ! do we have a 007 also ? we should do a movie like XxX

psp Vs DS

well the top ten sales figure came from japan as of april 11

for the PsP

    Minna no Golf Portable (SCE) – 337,972
    Ridge Racers (Namco) – 274,682
    Shin Sangoku Musou (Koei) – 268,514
    Tales of Eternia (Namco) – 157,043
    Piposaru Academia (SCE) – 108,599
    Metal Gear Acid (Konami) – 99,871
    Kotoba no Puzzle: Mojipittan Daijiten (Namco) – 98,109
    Gagharv Trilogy (Bandai) – 89,202
    Doko Demo Issho (SCE) – 86,255
    Mahjong Fight Club (Konami) – 77,137

for the DS

    Super Mario 64 DS (Nintendo) – 711,424
    Sawaru Made in Wario (Nintendo) – 710,371
    Pokemon Dash (Pokemon) – 323,741
    Daigassou! Band Brothers (Nintendo) – 166,071
    Catch! Touch! Yoshi (Nintendo) – 163,963
    Touch! Kirby (Nintendo) – 127,690
    Another Code: Futatsu no Kioku (Nintendo) – 104,114
    Chokkan Hitofude (Nintendo) – 102,330
    Kimi no tame nara Shineru (Sega) – 97,629
    Puyo Puyo Fever (Sega) – 82,898

by that list we see that the ds has a small lead on PsP ( understandable since it was relased before the PsP ) but the list also prove that the PsP is not the DS killer it was said to be

but what would drive the sale of PsP i think is now the UMD is cracked , and games can be run from the memory ( some torrent site already have games to download ) and there is a lot of porgrams that convert media into PsP thing for it to run

same as Ps2 , its still selling strong because you can buy it and live on copys , but with game cube for example , there is no copy , unless you want to follow a plan with painfull steps

of course i don’t have nither a DS or PsP , i’m thinking of going to the state , maybe i’ll pickup something there ( just like when i picked up the game cube ) prices here in kuwait are kinda priced as if 1 $ = 1 Kd

Speaking of games , if you want a bloody as hell Adventure game i advice you to pick

God of War

its bloody , its mature , and its hella fun

going with the flow of Technology

some bloggers have flickr accounts
Flicker was mostly normal people posting pictures they took with their digi-cam , some pro also use it , but not much i think

others are dicovering it and using it , it seem a U.S. Senator has a flicker account as well ! wow , that nice .

wish our parliment members used new Technology , other than mobiles and few members who have bad web sites , our parliment members are the same as the ones in 1960’s
wonder what Al-tabtabaee flicker would be like 😛