All posts by Forzaq8

admission fee to enter samilya

oh joy , what a great way to solve traffic


حول المشاكل التي تواجهــها كل من منطــقتي العاصمة والسالمية بقــلة المواقف للمباني والعمارات والمجمعات التــجارية وشدة الزحمة عبرت الشيخة فاطمة الصباح عن استيائها من هذا الامر واشارت قائلة: «خاطبت البلدية عدة مرات ووجهت العديد من الكتب الرسمية انبه فيها لهذه المشكلة وانا اؤيد ان تكون هنالك مناطق تسمى conjustive areas وهي التي تفرض فيها رسوم لمن يود دخولها وهذا ما يجب ان يطبق على منطقة السالمية فهنالك من يدخلها من دون هدف معين!».

translation if you can’t read arabic

About the problem that face Salmiya and the Capital area in way of parking for building and towers and shopping center Shiekah fatmah expressed Resentment, and pointed out that she spoke to the maniplucy several times and sent many official letters to alert them of the problem, and I agree that there should be congestive areas and they are have an admission fee to who ever want to enter and that’s what should be used in salmiya since there are people who enter for no reason

Great idea! But what about people who live there? What about people that are going to visit people or relative that live in Salmiya?
How will you collect the money? Set up kiosks at the entrance to salmiya and have people collect? And what would you do to 4X4 cars? Build a wall and a fence around salmiya so people do not enter ?

There are solutions to every problem, but you have to weight it the solution, is it logical? Is it ethical?
here , to solve the traffic problem in kuwait i’ll ban cars and bus and trucks

parking manners in kuwait

Every day i see people with no parking manners , from parking in disablity parking spots or blocking other people

Or stuff like this

no manners

It just get me mad its not like its easy to find parking spots in most places in kuwait

Why the police is mouting stuff like 60 officers to capture people drifting in the southest point in kuwait and not stop people from doing stuff like that ?

Oh if you park on the Sidewalk in hawali they fast ! ticket here , ticket there , but do you try to stop the source of the problem ? ( its not like anyone walk on the Sidewalk , everyone is jaywalking in hawali ) i remmber police were happly tickting cars at kuwait university when people didn’t have parking
shit like 20-30 tickets per day

Speaking of tickets , what the hell they do with all that money ? don’t say wasta and it get dropped , if 20% of speeding tickets are collected that a hell lot of money , for example i have to pay freaking 100 kd now ( for 4 kinds of violation , and i paid my tickets 2 years ago

TV shows Crossover

I know there is a slim chance of this happening (same as my chance of getting a bag with 4 million dollar) but wouldn’t it be great to have something like a 2 hours special

one of the sopranos is killed and the The Shield guys team up with the Law and order Guys to catch the killer who in turn get a detective kojak on the case to help them , and while the comb the street they suspect one of Tribbiani family

then the case is brought up to court and the DA are the guys from Law & Order: Trial by Jury , the defence are the guys from The Practice
and the twist ! one of the witness gets in an accedent and goes into Chicago hospital’s emergency room !

and when it end , someone is thrown in Oswald State Penitentiary