All posts by Forzaq8

Work Union

God they started a work union in my work a year ago, they did 1 trip to Failaka and another to makkah for umrah and thatโ€™s it.

You may say hey, failaka is nice, yeah I know it is, I signed up for the trip, they had to postponed it because of bad weather, they said they would call me when they have the new time, and they went 3 weeks later WITHOUT CALLING ME.

I talked to the president of the Union, and he laughed about it and said that my department sucks and I deserve it ( he think of him self as a funny man ) .

That sucks, why Iโ€™m paying money each month? For crap like that? Hey, your magazine is shit, if I show it to any one with some knowledge how magazine are done he would cringe and may suffer for days.

I think Union are bad , they may make some good at first , then long tirm , they destroy everything ( as seen in GM )

Summer Time !

Summer is on ! 50 C today .
Hopefully the worker heat protection law is enforced , its basicly unhuman to make them work in that heat

Best thing about the summer ? kuawit streets , there is no one on the street , you can go around and not get stuck in traffic

What plan does everyone have for the summer ?

More Engrish

I think people love to find Engrish , and kuwait is becoming a goldmine

This gem i got from a friend


They spelled Professional with double ‘ F ‘ and they claim its a professional Translator , such great thing ๐Ÿ™‚

also another thank you for IDip for dedicating a
post about this topic for me ๐Ÿ™‚

Highlander Anime

from the Key Animation of Metropolis (movie) , the Original creator of Ninja Scroll
come Highlander

After four films and two successful television series, you’ve never seen the HIGHLANDER like this. MacLeod returns with a vengeance in an animated feature length epic!

it looks good ๐Ÿ™‚

( shrot teaser in the link below )
[link to offical website]

Rumors on Masomah as a minster

I have gotten 3 Sms message saying that Masomah Mubarak is the new Minster of Planning

Nothing yet conformed

But if it was true, why are we having a political science major handling our planning, shouldn’t we have a management man/woman handle it?
Not that I have anything bad to say about her, I heard from student that attended her class that she is smart and a good teacher ( but thatโ€™s something else )

its on ruters [link]