All posts by Forzaq8

Low profile kuwaiti bloggers

I think we kuwaiti bloggers are under the rader , which could be good and could be bad

For example in dar Alhayat Newspaper [link][via] i found these 2 lines about kuwaiti bloggers

وليس عند البلوغرز الكويتيين ما يخشون من حكومتهم، وهم يعقدون اجتماعات والبلوغز الكويتية مجموعة في موقع واحد، وهناك نساء ورجال، وقرأت أنه أصبح في الكويت أكثر من مئة بلوغر.

English translation

And kuwaiti bloggers has nothing to fear from their government , they have meetings and the kuwaiti blogs are grouped in one location , there are women and men , and i read that there are over 100 bloggers in kuwait

And that was only 2 lines in a series of 7 article !

Other than some article from abdullatif al duaije ( عبداللطيف الدعيح ) than link to some blog from time to time , others do not show any connetion with bloggers .

What do you think , is going under the rader good or bad ?

Intermission Cat

i was browsing around in other blog when i saw this at
bo ghazi blog

so i knew that they are our only hope to stop the Penguin army !

So I talked with the cats, and agreed to meet one of their generals at a neutral dewaniya

Dewaniya cat

They agreed to help, and they would let me post some pictures from their camps to make us feel safer and know that if there is a power to stop the Penguins, its them.

Yes I know they are evil, but I think cats are better as our masters than penguin


Doom the Movie is coming out , and here is one leaked picture of it

doom da movie
well you can see the Rock is there , rumors around in the net say that he is going to represent the doom guy ( the guy in the game )

more information about the movie

kems – zajil

for some reason my work switched from quality net to zajil

how did i know that ?


yeah good old blocked message

I know it may sound as a small thing , but couldn’t they like change the link ? its still links to
and change the graphic , ad something that make me know what company is doing what
and the word ” Prohibited Access” sound like someone was trying to enter CIA files

oh and in case you were wondering , someone linked for me , and it showed as blocked when i clicked on it

safety in kuwait

I think people are carefree in Kuwait; there is nothing else that could explain something like this

feeling safe ?

Does having a closed file shelf blocking your way to get the fire extinguisher make you feel safer?
Why does everything have to be a reaction? Do not plan for anything in this country?

I know there are people who are great at improvising, the days after 1990 were a good example, but we can’t just improvise everything, there should be some planning

At the start of this year, the government wanted to give each Kuwaiti 200 KD, and what happen? We had to register, they had to contact banks, some people (they claim around 3000) weren’t even registered, why are doing all this?
Did the American government start a registration period to give tax refund? No they had IRS and POSTAL service that they could count on (which is something we can’t say about our postal service)

Seriously the postal service is in shambles, you can relay on them to get you the bombs
But something you won at Ebay? Right, good luck