one of the stuff i wanted to do when i went to the usa was to attend Comic-con , and this year i did
I was using a laptop during the trip , and for some reason the laptop had problems ( later i found out that the keyboard is a bit lose and kept pressing buttons i didn’t press in the first place
well now i’m back at kuwait i’ll write what happened in my trip , and part of it comic-con , its an experince that was fun and enjoyable
Any way this is Wednesday July 13 which is Preview Night
i had to go register and pickup my badge to enter the convention center in the next days
Since downtown San Diego is crowded and parking is hell to find ( everyone mention that , even the convention site mention it ) i went and got on a trolly
so i went to one of the station , located at Qualcomm Staduim

and got on the trolly

After getting off the trolly at the station next to the convention center ( see what planing can do ? one next to a staduim and one next to a convention center , thats what we should do in kuwait )
any way , i get off , and wait at the signal to cross the street

after crossing the street its line to get the badge

after a few time waiting i get the badge

Then i went to check what people were setting up in the hall
I found Jason Salsbury author of online comic Pet Professional

He had a mini comic printed for the con

and got him to sign it for me

and thats not all what i got from there , but i’ll leave other stuff for other day reports i’m writing :p