All posts by Forzaq8

Sad day … may god forgive king fahad

As much as I don’t like Saudi Arabia (I had to live there for 5 years)
Today is a sad day for all of us

I was driving to Kuwait passing dammam when I heard the news, I felt sadness
No one could (or should) forgot the stand that king fahad took when Kuwait was invaded by Iraq

Sadly as people try to forget the invasion (which the anniversary is tomorrow) I hope we don’t forget great men that stood by Kuwait when it needed them

Sheik Zaid, Sheik Khaleefa, king fahad: may god forgive you and live in paradise

Road trip

A friend of mine in UAE want to come to kuwait in his car , and i wanted to go on a road trip for a long time

So i go with a friend of mine from kuwait to UAE , right now i’m in the UAE , i have one thing to say about that road

Its sucks

All the way from kuwait boarder till you get to UAE boarders just suck

Sands and sands and sands , and then more sand

They are building more road , but still like over 70% of the road is a 2 way road ( which suck when you are stuck behind a truck or you get someone trying to overtake the truck on the other side )

The drive from kuwait to Sharjah took around 15 hours , i was driving the first 13 hours ( my ass hurt a lot )
and some part of the road in saudi weren’t in a good shape which didn’t help much either

I just wish there was some kind of ferry that take you from kuwait to Dubai
i saw on Top gear program on the BBC a clip and they went on a ferry from newcastle to norway , and they said it was a 13 hour trip , but the ferry had beds and it had resturants

Kuwaities and time

Shy can’t most kuwaities keep time ?

So i’m on a traning course now , the course should start on 9 am , 1/2 the people attending are from the government , so it mean they have to go to work in 7 am

Why can’t they come to the room before 9 ? why is it we always start at 9:20 or 9:30

I was weak , i bought an ipod

While in the usa i bought a Ipod shuffle + a Cassette Adapter so i can play it on the car

How much are ipod shuffle in kuwait , i want to know if i got a good deal or i was ripped off

And does The ipod shuffle come without CD normaly ?

Also i’m a bit out of loop with these apple stuff , what is podcast ? the last Itune i just downloaded says its podcast support , i know there are 900000000000 X 100000 sites that talk about podcast , but i want something simple , what / where / how good ?

Comic con report

one of the stuff i wanted to do when i went to the usa was to attend Comic-con , and this year i did

I was using a laptop during the trip , and for some reason the laptop had problems ( later i found out that the keyboard is a bit lose and kept pressing buttons i didn’t press in the first place

well now i’m back at kuwait i’ll write what happened in my trip , and part of it comic-con , its an experince that was fun and enjoyable

Any way this is Wednesday July 13 which is Preview Night
i had to go register and pickup my badge to enter the convention center in the next days

Since downtown San Diego is crowded and parking is hell to find ( everyone mention that , even the convention site mention it ) i went and got on a trolly
so i went to one of the station , located at Qualcomm Staduim

Qualcomm Staduim

and got on the trolly

On the trolly

After getting off the trolly at the station next to the convention center ( see what planing can do ? one next to a staduim and one next to a convention center , thats what we should do in kuwait )
any way , i get off , and wait at the signal to cross the street

waiting to cross the street

after crossing the street its line to get the badge

Comic con crowd

after a few time waiting i get the badge

comic con badge

Then i went to check what people were setting up in the hall

I found Jason Salsbury author of online comic Pet Professional

Jason Salsbury

He had a mini comic printed for the con

Pet Professional SDCC speical

and got him to sign it for me

pet professional

and thats not all what i got from there , but i’ll leave other stuff for other day reports i’m writing :p