All posts by Forzaq8


Tagged by – snookie –

Last book you read: The Zombie Survival Guide : Complete Protection from the Living Dead
Last phone number you called : Friend mobile
Last show you watched on TV: I mostly watch shows on my PC , last i saw on TV was contender
Last thing you had to drink: Water
Last thing you ate: Cream Caramel
Last time you cried: i don’t remmber
Last time you smiled: My grandma house gathering
Last person you hugged: A friend
Last person you talked to on the phone: my father
Last thing you smelled: the car
Last CD that you bought: Born To Reign ( will smith )
Last song you sang: i don’t sing
Last thing you laughed at: Chappelle show Season 2
What’s in your cd player/changer: Ipod
What time did you wake up today: 11 am ( its a friday ! )
Current favorite article of clothing: Dishdasha
Favorite place to be: My room
Least favorite place: Marina Mall
Do you believe in an afterlife? yes
In Heaven or Hell: hopefully heaven , mostly going to get both
How tall are you: 182
Current favorite word: I don’t favor words , i use them all
Favorite Book: Sons of Sinbad ( i had the old arabic version and lost it , and i can’t find either one )
Random lyric:
Are you a daredevil? yes
Have you ever told a secret you swore you’d never tell?two to three times
Do looks matter? not much
How do you release your anger? shout or punch
My second home is: i don’t have one
One thing i have that i wish i didn’t is:extra wight
All you need is: i’m human i need a lot of stuff 🙁
Something I want but I don’t really need is: More bandwith
Something I need but I don’t really want is: Diet

*do you…*
drink? No
have a boyfriend/girlfriend? No
have a dream that keeps coming back? Nope
believe there is life on other planets? No
read the newspaper? 2-3 Daily
consider yourself tolerant of others? No
consider police a friend or foe? The police are never friends

I tag Edjamacated Guy and Blog Pimp Tata

The 9th Kuwait Bloggers Meeting

Yeah i was there ( as always ) this time i met some new faces , i still wonder why someguys do not show up , they used to be regular now we don’t see them anymore

This time we had
tatabotata Afro pimp
Genshiken Lebanese Otaku
2 guys from From 3ohah blog Team ( عبدربنا , MoSHiBa )
also SPARTAN who i think is a satanist and eat children 😛

For some strange reason the people at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf gave us a box with 7 games , so we tried a game that spartan knew how to play , and he won it ( i gave up ) and then he played chess with عبدربنا
who lost by showing Spartan the killing move


spartan was white and didn’t notice where the horse was and what he can do with it …..

Ugly at the airport

Today i went to pick my family from the Airport , while getting out i saw these at the roundabout

Coca Cola

Now i wonder , a company like coca cola
i’m no ad expert , but i know ugly when i see it , and that is ugly couldn’t Coca Cola ( a big worldwide company ) come up with a better idea than can’s at the roundabout ?

Resturant review ( Caesar )

Went to Caesar restaurant in Hawali

I went for lunch; the Restaurant was quit since the location is kind of obscure (next to jareer bookstore at Tunis street)

The table and chairs were fine; the lights were bright (which is good, since the sun was shining outside and didn’t need more brought lights)

The staff were Indian and friendly I got the menu, one of the thing which I think is strange about Caesar restaurant is that they don’t have a cultural identity, normally you would find a restaurant which is Indian, or another which is Chinese, but not thing one
They have Iranian, Indian, Chinese cosines all in one menu

Any way to start I ordered Dal Soup and yogurt cucumber

Dal soup

Then I followed up with a kebab kobediah


The Dal soup was nice
The Kobediah wasn’t that great, the rice was good, but the meat was a lot soft and thin

The bill Was around 5 KD

My Advise:
The restaurant isn’t bad, the location isn’t, at Dinner the Parking would be mostly full, the restaurant is a bit fancy, so I think its good for lunch if you are alone or just want to invite one friend