All posts by Forzaq8

An Updated Site !

Yes after many days i have updated the site , its new now and shiny , some dust on the header 🙂

I have installed the new WordPress , and now playing with the theme , and other plugins , expect many more edits to come

Writing History ? More like Destroying it

Well , I believe everyone saw Writing History AD for Nike ( for you who didn’t check it at youtube linked below )

Anyway , Who were on the Video as Stars ?
Didier Drogba ,Fabio Cannavaro ,Wayne Rooney ,Cristiano Ronaldo & Ronaldinho
whats common between them all ? they all failed their teams and their team exited the World Cup without Writing anything in History
( Drogba & Cannavaro exited first stage , Ronaldo & Rooney next stage , Ronaldinho wasn’t in the Squad ! )

Now can we say the add Jinxed their performance ? we may not know , until Messi die of food poisoning from KFC then it will be conformed 🙂

Fail Compliment !

Some people shouldn’t try to quote or compare Kuwaiti stuff to American

from AlQabas [Link][Arabic]

من هذا المنطلق لا بد من كلمة عدل تقال بحق بعض برامجنا الحوارية في الكويت، التي تتحلى بالموضوعية والتعددية في الرأي ومنها برنامج «اللوبي» الذي تقدمه قناة «العدالة» في الكويت. هذا البرنامج يذكرنا ببرنامج حواري ليلي يقدمه الاعلامي ديفيد ليترمان في الولايات المتحدة الاميركية، فيستضيف اشخاصا يتحدثون عن اشياء كثيرة وبوجهات نظر متعارضة احيانا.


From this point a word must be said about about some of our Debate show in kuwait , which demonstrate objectivity and pluralism of opinion, including the program «lobby» provided by the channel «justice» in Kuwait. This program reminds us of the program talk presented by David Letterman , who get many people to talk about many things and sometimes conflicting perspectives.

really ? conflicting perspectives ? on David Letterman ? are you for real ?
The «lobby» program host either one guest or more and they talk among them self , i don’t see a freaking band or a funny monologue at the start , or top ten , the guy wiring the article clearly didn’t see Letterman , because i did and did see the «lobby» and there is no similarities between both