All posts by Forzaq8

New Novel writing

A lot Read Novels , be it arabic or english

But the Internet have opened a New way to Write novels , its a very inovative way for writing

Famous Online comic penny-arcade Have started a new project , which is Epic Legends of the Hierarchs: The Elemenstor Saga , what so inovative about it you wonder ? well check his discription of it

This is a “popular franchise” that began life as a CCG but now has a boardgame, a pen and paper variant, a Saturday morning cartoon, a series of limited edition busts, a CG animated direct to video feature, and upcoming MMO and a line of “totally street” hip-hop fashions – all of which strive to remain canonical.

the Inovative part is that if you search for it on google , its not there !
they have a wiki where the people add , edit & define the Saga !

The idea is new , and i think its good , but not good to become THE way to write novels , but a new way none the less

Kuwait Auto Show 2005

Yesterday I went to the Auto show at Mushrif

It was a nice Show this year, for example more Dealers were there this time, and some kind of brought all the car types they have, and some introduced new cars

Check this Video of some bikers i saw there

It was clearly the Car companies gave more interest for the Auto show , for example last time I went to the Auto show , Al Mullah Mitsubishi & dodge Agent had around 4 cars , this time he had a bigger spot , and he got dodge Charger and eclipse and a New EVO

One this pisses me in the Auto Show, the people!! What is the problem? Can’t anyone take pictures for anything?
For example check this picture

No one was at the car, once I got my digi cam to take a picture a kid comes running!!
And it didn’t happen one time, It kept on repeating it self at every car
The porsche had people going around and around and around, I was going to shot “ITS NOT A FREAKING KA’ABA, STOP CIRCLING THE DAMN CAR”

Any Way , here is the Picture Set

Update on Marvel entering the arab Market

On the Old Post I got this comment from Naif ( who i’m assuiming to be Dr Naif al Mutawa

Hi there.

We are indeed launching our own heroes based on an Islamic Paradigm. Teshkeel has the fomrer publisher of Marvel and the former head of marketing of Marvel both working for us. Further, our own concept, called The Ninety Nine, will be launching in 2006. I personally created the concept and am co-writing the first twleve books with a Marvel writer and our artwork is being done by Marvel talent as well. Next year, the world will have new heroes! Please sign up on our website to get up to date information.

Best of Luck To Tashkeel

Kuwait France Riots

I was reading Alraialaam online today , and they had

Arab American activist James Zogby warned Arab leaders in Bahrain Monday night that the Muslem riots in France may spread to the Middle East. He said that foreign Arab workers in oil-rich Arab countries are working in slave conditions. Several protests have erupted the past few months in Kuwait and other Arab countries.

This is scary news, we know it could happen, we remember what happened in kaitan some years ago, sadly we also know that the police is in bad shape and they couldn’t handle that matter, and couldn’t keep anyone of the people who rioted for over a week even

So what you think the government should do?

Is our army even deployable in case something like france happen to us ?