All posts by Forzaq8

A message to a parliament member

So i went a second time to the book Fair ( to check again , most of the time i miss stuff on my first visit )

So after some walking around i found Kuwait Parliment section , and i find 2 things
They have a Survey about the Loans and a paper where you could write a message to one parliment memebr

so i just said what the hell

a message to a parliament member

More Kuwait blogs exposure, thanks Zaydoun

Today on Al-Qabas

وضيوف هذا العام هم:

الدكتور أنس الرشيد وزير الاعلام، النائب محمد جاسم الصقر، النائب حسن جوهر، النائب علي الراشد، الزميل وليد النصف رئيس تحرير القبس، احمد الهارون مدير عام غرفة تجارة وصناعة الكويت، مرزوق الغانم رئيس مجلس ادارة نادي الكويت الرياضي، الدكتور حمود المضف مدير عام الهيئة العامة للتعليم التطبيقي والتدريب، سعود جعفر نائب مدير عام التطبيقي للشؤون الادارية والمالية، ناصر العيار نائب مدير هيئة الشباب والرياضة، الكاتب محمد النغيمش مؤلف كتاب «انصت يحبك الناس

(Kuwaiti Unplugged)الكاتب زياد الدعيج صاحب مدونة على

، طارق الخالد الوكيل المساعد للشؤون الادارية والمالية في ديوان الخدمة المدنية، الشاعر خالد المريخي، الفنان فيصل السعد، فرقة التلفزيون

english for you non arabic readers

The guests this year are :
Kuwaiti Information Minister Dr Anas Al-Rushaid , the head of the parliamentary foreign relations committee Mohammad Al-Saqer, editor-in-chief of daily Al-Qabas Waleed Al-Nesf, MPs Ali Al-Rashid and Dr Hasan Jawhar, Head of Kuwait Sports Club Marzouk Al-Ghanim, Kuwaiti Ambassador in Washington Sheikh Salem Al-Sabah, Director-General of Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ahmad Al-Haroun
Humod Al Muthaf General Manager of PAAET , Saud Jafar Vice general manager of PAAET , Naser al Ayar vice manager of the commission of youth and sport , book author mohamod al nugamish author of the book “listen & people love you “ , blogger Ziyad Al Duaje of the blog Kuwait unplugged Tariq al khalid the under secretary of Civil service commission , poet Khalid al Mareeki , singer Faisal al Saad , TV band

Yay for more exposure !

One thing that I hate about it, is that it proved how lazy our newspaper have become
the evidince is in arabic

On 26 of November they wrote

طارق الخالد الوكيل المساعد للشؤون الادارية والمالية في ديوان الخدمة المدنية

Tariq Al Khalid , the under secretary of Civil service commission for Administrate and Financial affair

On 15 of September they wrote

الوكيل المساعد لشؤون البعثات ونظم المعلومات طارق الخالد

Tariq Al Khalid , the under secretary of Civil service commission for Delegations & IT affair

Small thing , but come on ! a freaking newspaper and they don’t check the information they have ?

My ( Wasted ) weekend

And I wasted it in an inefficient way

Weekend day one Wednesday
– Finished University courses at 11:45, went to work to check on them (I’m on a study Leave vacation)
Found guy I didn’t sit with for a long time (college days friend) talked with him till the end of the work time (دوام (aka 2:30 pm
– Back home, check TV for some minutes, talk with my fathers, then my brother came; we eat lunch at 3:15 pm
– talk with my brother about the UEFA champion League, check my e-mail, and see if anything new is out
I feel dizzy and I rest in the bed for a quick nap
– quick nap became full sleep , I wake up at 11:30 pm , I wash up , pray what I miss then set on my pc for an hour or 2
– go back to sleep, who want to stay up till the morning!

Weekend day two Thursday
– woke up at 9 am, read some newspaper online and check e-mail and downloads
– Around 11:00 am go to the bathroom, start bathroom ritual, finish at 12:20
– drive to grandfather house, eat lunch with them, chit chat, finish around 2:00 pm
– Back home, some rest, and then the daily internet surf (web comic, news sites, message boards … etc)
– 3:30 change and go out, we going to visit someone in his Wafra Farm
– 8:00 back home after the trip to Wafra
– 8:01 check e-mail and downloads some trailers on the External HD
– 8:30 leave house for friend gathering in Dewaniya
– 10:00 go out of dewaniya for dinner
– 10:50 back to dewaniya
– 01:45 leave dewaniya and go home
– 02:10 check e-mail and check some sites for updates
– 03:00 sleep

Weekend day three Friday
– 10:00 wakes up & the daily internet surf (web comic, news sites, message boards … etc)
– 11:00 are going to the bathroom, start bathroom ritual
– 12:00 Friday Prayer
– 12:45 back home
– 02:00 lunch time
– 02:50 finish lunch I feel dizzy and I rest in the bed for a quick nap
– Quick nap became full sleep, I wake up at 09:00 pm, I wash up, and pray what I miss then set on my pc
– 09:45 go out to get Grocery stuff (جمعيه)
– 10:45 finish getting stuff, back home
– 10:46 go out for dinner
– 11:45 back home
– 11:46 write a silly post at my blog
– 12:25 finish writing

so now i wasted my whole weekend
what could i have done in it ?

– Start writing some points in the two terms papers due sometime next month
– Study a bit
– read some of the books i just bought from the book fair
– play some ” The movies , CiV 4 , Call of Duty 2 , WoW ” which i didn’t touch fora while
– Write a good blog entry , not a bad one like this ..

Kuwait International Book Fair

It open today !

What a strange day for opening , normaly Fairs open on wensday

It would be from Tuesday, November 22 – 2005
till Friday, December 02 – 2005

I normaly go on the second day of Fairs , it get less people that way , but the second day is Wensday , which mean more people are there 🙁 , maybe i’ll go on the first and second day ( and third if i think its intersting )

Maybe at last i will get the books i have been trying to get in the last 3 years

So who else is going there ?