All posts by Forzaq8

Demonstration fills safat

Kuwait city

Demonstrations filled safat when news of the quitting of blogger Bu Maryom who write the famous blog Grafika were wildly spread
The crowd was angry, and some were sad, police stood by to try and defuse the tension
There were many chants heard from the crowd, mostly in Arabic, things like “shurooq eggot is bad, it’s worth one frank and two filis “ , ” Yo government this is not right, bagelah water is coming back ”

ملأت التظاهرات ساحه الصفاه عندما انتشرت اخبار بأن بو مريوم
البلوغر المشهور صاحب بلوغره جرافيكا قد توقف عن الكتابه
المتجمعون كانوا غاضبون و بعضهم كانوا حزنين
و قد سمعت العديد من الصيحات من المتظاهرين
منها ” اقط شروق شين حقه فرنك و فلسين ” ، ” يا حكومه لا يجوز ، ماء باجلا سيعود ” و غيرها من الصيحات الثوريه

The police arrested one demonstrator who they said broke a car window
Some of his fellow demonstrators called the police racists because they only detained him
After they see what area he was from and they claim one of the officers said “come on, he is from sulbikat, he either did something or he is going to do “
The police denied that the arrest was based on profiling

All calls for comment from the blogger Bu maryom were not returned

هذا و قامت الشرطه بإعتقال احد المتظاهرين و اتهمته انه قام بكسر نافذه احدى السيارات
بعض من زملائه المتظاهرين يقولون ان الشرطه عنصريه لم تعتقله إلا عندما رأت عنوان سكنه
و انهم سمعوا احد الضباط يقول انه من الصليبيخات ان لم يرتكب جرما فهو على وشك
و استنكرت الشرطه هذه الإدعاءات و قالت انها لا تميز على اساس السكن

كل الإتصالات للحصول على تعليق من بو مريوم لم يرد عليها

Qualitynet ADSL

My Home Adsl has been hell in the past week

On , Off , On , Off On , Off , On , Off On , Off , On , Off with sometimes over an hour going offline and i need to restart the Adsl

Am i the only Qualitynet customer to suffer this ?

When does a thing make it right and wrong ?

Lets take for example this


وأبدت جمعية الصحافيين الكويتية في نص بيانها اسفها على الحكم القضائي الابتدائي الذي صدر يوم امس باغلاق صحيفة «الوطن» اليومية لمدة اسبوع وبسجن الزميلين رئيس التحرير الشيخ خليفة العلي الصباح والكاتب الصحافي احمد الكوس لمدة شهرين مع وقف التنفيذ بناء على الدعوى التي رفعها الزميل الكاتب الصحافي الدكتور احمد البغدادي.

In short , Dr Al Baghdadi , known Writer , most writer to be abused by the Press laws Use the same law that he always claim isn’t fair and shouldn’t be used on another writer

So what now ? is the Law good for you to use ? or it was just bad when it was used on you , and where are the writers who jumped up and down each time he was taken to court ? whited out the article they write and said they weren’t just defending Dr Al Baghdadi but also the rights of the freedom of press

Some of my finding at Kuwait Book Fair

So as I was walking about checking books I found this interesting stuff

Important Book

Messages for the mobile, you know you need a book for that! I mean how you would write a joke !!

what is this book ?

I liked the cover of the book, CHIC, it sound sexy so I didn’t open it, I didn’t want to be disappointed

Grendizer !

What’s a Book fair without cheaply printed comic? Grendizer! ( or Goldrake as Italians say it )

Book about alWaleed bin Talal

A book about the world Fourth Richest person, well guess what? You are 15 $ less because I didn’t buy it: P

this brove that we are out of idea for books

History of Whom? some people are strange with what they write , most area’s in Kuwait are new and are less than 40 years old , if you wrote about the old Area’s like Murgab yeah I could understand , but one of the new area’s ?
esetch Where is your Book ?!?