Just a reminder , today is the the first thursday this month, hopefully we are going to have a blogger meeting
Same Spot , same Time
See you there
All posts by Forzaq8
That going to hurt the image !
Michael Vale, the actor best known for his portrayal of a sleepy-eyed Dunkin’ Donuts baker who said “Time to make the doughnuts,” has died. He was 83.
Vale died Saturday in New York City of complications from diabetes, according to son-in law Rick Reil.
speaking of which , did they open their branch in kuwait yet ?
News reporting in kuwait
We realy have some bad reporting in kuwait , i don’t know why , is it because they are lazy or because no one care
For example i read this today
I remmber i read about this before , but some stuff were strange
like this part
بعدما قامت والدته الموجودة في الولايات الامريكية بالاتصال بالخارجية الامريكية
After his mother in the USA called the Department of State
and this Line
وأشادت والدته بالسلطات الكويتية والتي منعت ابنها من دخول العراق
And the mother Praised the Kuwaiti authority that blocked her son from entering Iraq
And I was a bit shocked , that wasn’t what i Read …
So i go Back and Read the AP article
Check this part
As luck would have it, the teenager found himself at the Iraq-Kuwait line sometime on Dec. 13, and the border security was extra tight because of Iraq’s Dec. 15 parliamentary elections. The timing saved him from a dangerous trip.
Why the Date is important ? check the other post they claim they posted before AlWatan[Arabic]
It was posted on Dec 16 , but he was already Turned down at the border , not because his name was there , but because of the Election and the General Close down of the borders
And as Further proof that his name wasn’t on the list ( else he would have been delivered to the US embassy ) check this part from the AP article
He again called his father, who told him to come home. But the teen insisted on going to Baghdad. His father advised him to stay with family friends in Beirut, Lebanon, so he flew there, spending 10 days before flying to Baghdad on Christmas
That doesn’t Sound like someone his family wanted to be stoped … or the family thanks kuwait for stoping , because they helped him go in Iraq
and he went in Iraq , so why the hell would they thank kuwait ? a thank you is good , but we don’t need to fabricate one
OH and the Kid is an Asshole , they are trying to make his a hero somehow but to me he is a total asshole
Leaving your parents like that , going into a danger zone , bad mouthing poor people
“In one day I probably spent like $250 on taxis,” he said. “And they’re so evil too, because they ripped me off, and when I wouldn’t pay the ripped-off price they started threatening me. It was bad.”
Wow he took you on a Round Trip from the Airport to Abdili and back , and you think 80kd is a ripoff ? Last time i went to the airport they had Price list , i remmber it had Wafra ( south border of kuwait ) 30 kd one way .
try to take a NYC cap for the same trip and see how much he would charge you .
A new Year is coming
And an old one has gone
over 300 days of your life gone , something to think about
What have you Done in the past year ? do you have a plan for next year ?
Can you look back and say ” That was a good Year , I have done what i Wanted to do ”
For Me , year 2005 Was special , and thats no chronology order :
– I finaly Went to Comic Con , one of my old thing i wanted to do
– I went on a Road trip And i was driving my Car most of the Time
– I started This Blog
– I went and Met Strangers , i went to the Kuwait Blog meeting
– I took a Study Leave from Work , i get paid to study ! and no more work stress in the morning !
– I went on a Rally , kefayah rally
they might seem few , but i’m fine , as they say , the 1000 mile road start with a step
no comment syndrome
I’m amazed by this , each post get a lot of readers ( i know this because of the counter ) yet i get one comment and most of the time none
why is this problem ?
Vote so i can know what the problem is
If the pool does not work with you , use this link
Please pick a vote , i want to know