And now the awards
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Kbsost koutbu6 event 2
And we started
Kbsoft koutbu6 Event 1
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Waiting for the event to start
AlQabas Has Exclusive information !
this may come as a shock to many people , but its seem an Arabic newspaper from Kuwait has new that would send shock waves in the whole internet
يستعد نظام تشغيل «أندرويد» الذي صممته غوغل للهواتف الخلوية، كي يصبح هو نظام التشغيل المعتمد لهواتف «آي فون» من أبل
Android Operation system that was designed by Google for mobile is gearing up to be the approved operation system for Iphone Mobiles from Apple
Very shocking ! never expected this ! and nothing was mentioned of this information on any Tech site ! kudos AlQabas for this Exclusive information , a shinning example for news reporting in Kuwait
Experts in Kuwait are 1 fils a dozen
From AlWatan Newspaper [Link][Arabic]
طمأن وكيل وزارة الصحة وعضو لجنة الطوارئ الاشعاعية سمير العصفور المواطنيين، من عدم وجود خطورة في حال تعرض مفاعل بو شهر الايراني للضربة، وقال: انه مفاعل لانتاج الكهرباء ولا خطر منه.
The under Secretary of Ministry of Health and member of the radiological emergency Samir AlAsfour assured citizens that there is no danger in the event of a strike on Iran’s Bushehr reactor because its a electric generating reactor
Really ? and please tell us Mr Expert what they use in a NUCLEAR REACTOR to generate electricity ?
Do anyone check on these guys ?