I mean just reading the news make feel down
المطيري يفتح رأس يعقوب الطاهر

عقب انتهاء التدريب الاخير لـ «الازرق» امس، تهجم لاعب نادي القادسية نواف المطيري على لاعب نادي الكويت يعقوب الطاهر واعتدى عليه غدرا من الخلف بحذائه في غرفة اللاعبين، ما احدث جرحا غائرا في رأسه، تطلب نقله الى المستشفى واجريت له جراحة عاجلة (8 قطبات)، وسيحرم اللاعب من المشاركة مع فريقه ومع المنتخب ربما الى نهاية الموسم.
Almutaree Open Yaqoob Altaher head
After the last training For the kuwaiti national Team yesterday , Nawaf Almutaree attacked Altaher
In the changing room from the back with a shoe , which wonded Altaher and he was taken to the hostpital and got 8 stitches
A Kuwaiti girl who some blogger defended , Fled the case and went to kuwait
PHOENIX A second Kuwaiti woman charged with fleeing the scene of a fatal car accident in Mesa has been arrested before she could leave the country.
Twenty-year-old Reem Ahmad Bishara apparently was making plans to go to Kuwait when Mesa police took her into custody on a warrant.
She had notified an Ahwatukee Foothills apartment complex in writing last Saturday that she was vacating her apartment yesterday.
Prosecutors got a tip from a fellow resident at the apartment complex.
The tipster realized what was happening after seeing news reports about the flight of co-defendant, 23-year-old Munerrah Al-Tarrah.
A judge learned Monday that Al-Tarrah had left the country January 9th.
hoorah , we need more bad examples , who care about good examples !