All posts by Forzaq8


While i was checking Safat aggregator i found this post titled segergate!

And it was asking for a 1 day per week as a female only day in shopping malls

I agree with that , but why stop there ? i demand also one day for males , as in males only per month
now you may wonder , why a day without Women ?

the answer is easy , first off , so i don’t see clowns
( that is supposed to be a lady , I’m not that great in paint 😛 )

or chicks trying to score a idiot bobbing around like a boxer

not only that , but it would reduce non shoppers to minimum , why ? because men who go there to score or wait to bait a hook
wouldn’t go if there is no women , thus the place would be good for shopping

One time i went to Sook Sharg , and took me around 20 minutes to find a parking , but after i passed the food court area there was no one in sight ! and there is no exclusive restaurant in that food court , there were only guys and gals fishing

Food Fight !

It sometimes amaze me how stuff happen in kuwait
I mean who would have thought that we would be getting an online food ordering , not to mention grocery ordering

Well the next step is at Hand

Now we have TWO online food ordering

yes , ruby Tuesdays keep on calling me telling me they moved from 6alabat

into this new site


of course the other site seem poor on food choice still , i hope we got OTHER restaurant there , not some of 6alabat ones moving

Report on Meeting

Well as always , it seem only the useal come to the blogger meeting ( why too many complain we don’t meet yet when we meet we don’t see anyone )

attending this meeting
* TaTtheddon
* Mr Chocolate
* exzombie
* ducatiq8i

some sample of topic that were discussed

* Current affairs of Kuwait bloggers
* Female Kuwaiti bloggers , whats the problem with them ?
* Did the US economy enter recession stage or not and is bernanke to blame
* Sectarian strife among Kuwaiti bloggers
* future of Safat , more idea for improving

and there was many more

i hope we get more attendance next meeting

Blogger Meeting

As the bloggers who attended the last meeting discussed , we agreed we should have more than one meeting per one
one at a weekend , and one in the middle of the week
Well Tomorrow is another meeting ( tomorrow as in wensday march 12 ) and we are going to Dunken donuts Salmiya
at 5:30 PM

See you all there