All posts by Forzaq8

Kuwait racketeering

Back to gambling it seem
It make me feel sad that there is no anti-Racketeering Laws in Kuwait

Time and time again it show that companies and even couple of Government agency are involved in Racketeering activities

I’ll Give one example , a recent one that happened to me , I ordered couple of Books from Amazon ( i couldn’t find them in Kuwait ) so when they reached the airport some Custom guy Take notice of them , there is nothing wrong with them , hell no women picture is on any of the books and they aren’t religious

But then get transferred to the ministry of Information , now you may say so what ? you don’t have anything to worry about ,, well wrong
Because since they transferred it to the MOI , now i have to pay Fee’s for using Kuwait Airport ( i wouldn’t pay them if they didn’t transfer them )
and this from the e-mail i got

# Clearance charges
# Delivery order stamp
# Bayan
# Bank Commission
# Global and Stamp
# Custom Dues
# Airport charges

And again with the unexplainable Bayan fee , what in god name is that crap

I wouldn’t have any problem if everyone payed all the above crap , but its not all of us , the shipment before it ( a week before it ) which had books also ,passed and i didn’t have to pay all that extra stuff ( its around 20+ they didn’t give me an estimate yes )
which is another problem , because the part of the order is worth 70 dollars , so i would find it really hard to pay same the value of the order for fees

So Stuff like new signs make me uneasy really
What would stop the police from announcing a speed of 70 and then catching everyone unaware and tell him he was speeding ? ( not like they aren’t doing it without it , but a good tool for them )

Bush happy about our Democracy !

From President Bush’s speech Friday to a meeting of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris

Since 2001, the freedom movement has been advancing in the Middle East. Kuwait has had elections in which women were allowed to vote and hold office for the first time

for me , thats bad omen , anything bush says is good ,turn sour fast
look what he said about Iraq

Its funny that Bush is very very happy with our democracy , when its people are sad with it , just to show you how much they understand local democracy :p

Not My game

Politics shouldn’t interfere in games , i was shocked and sicked to hear that people want laws to to control what games we can buy or not

I don’t want laws requires all retailers to check ID from any child trying to buy games

I believe that Parents should take responsibility , not the government , its not freedom thing , its responsibility

ِAttacking people who are proposing the law and trying to frame it as a freedom issue is a last case , every one know we give up freedom for the children
you know what we should do , we should contact the people who are proposing this type of laws , give them an informed argument , if Video Game shops do not hide the rating then the parents should play their role , as in PARENTING

check the law details

oh wait a minute ! thats in the USA !
and these are the guys that introduced the bill

But ,, But your thinking to your self ! , i thought only Islamics think that Way , that Video games are bad for children
Well wake up and move out of the pool of dung and get some information for your self

Of course others will still think only Islamists block video games and hate it , why for them the above guys may look like this

6 Quirks

Tagged by G, Q80-Chill Girl and Bojacob

The Rules:

1. Link the person(s) who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

My 6 Quirks:

1. I can’t stick to anything i have tried everything from animation to photographing to drawing ( my projects on hold list is huge )
2. My productivity is related to my mood , sometimes i get in the mood to create , sometimes i get in the mood to walk .. etc
3. I buy too much electronic gadgets and some of them are redundant ( 3 digital camera and 4 video input for PC )
4. I forget names very fast
5. I can’t describe faces
6. I hate following rules

And to show point 6 , i will not do rules 4 & 5

45th Blogger meeting

Well its been a while since i wrote a report on these ,

attendance were

Me ( duh ) ( and in case you are wondering this is my blog
* Ducatiq8 ( the snoop )
* Mr chocolate
* The Stallion
* G
* N
* 7san or as he known on blogspot “Hasan.B”
* don Veto

discussion was strange and didn’t focus on one , it went from ethics of snooping to oil prices and it ended with Internet memories ( stuff like oh my god dail-up 65 kd ..etc )

some may say we aren’t achieving , but Rome wasn’t built in 1 day

P.S: yes i didn’t forget the tag , will be up soonish