All posts by Forzaq8

Beirut , its flickers in here

Right now in Beirut , for two days , the electricity keep on flickering after 10 PM , on off on off

And I’m in Beirut , but went to the mountain for some visits , the weather is really great up there


Did a small walk around my hotel , was searching for a supermarket or something similar , everything is closed at 10 PM !!!and i thought they don’t sleep in here

Of course the Weather in Beirut suck , its full of smog and it smell of diesel

Pencil Stealer !

I’m coining a new term , pencil Stealer !

We all heard of pencil pusher , its a person, as an office clerk, whose job entails writing, keeping records, etc. ( aka my job at the governments )

Anyway , now you ask your self , what i mean by Pencel Stealer
If you have studied in any of Kuwait Fine Universities you would have noticed them , they are the guys ( i don’t know if this happen to girls ) that always come to class with no pen or pencil , and are always looking for one to lend them one
its always like this
they see me with a bag of books
” hey forzaq8 , got any extra pen in that bag ? ”
” hey dude could i have a pen , I’ll give it back after class”
” anyone with an extra pen”

And it doesn’t stop them that its a normal class or an exam , its the same they will be with no pen or pencil
and they always take it and never return it back , i start each course with 20 pens and end up maybe 5-7 and that counting the ones i keep in my car and do not take with me to university .

If you can’t be bothered to bring a Pen to an Exam , why the hell you do expect to graduate ? why should we have high hopes of this Generation ?

Bus Children ?

So while reading Awan daily newspaper

I found this picture


SO what the hell is bus children ? are they children born on bus’s ? :p
never knew we had that many in the first place

and don’t say it mean children riding on the bus , because that has no logic , why they have a gate for that ? can’t they walk ? ( oh wait they are walking ) its not logical anyway ( both as a gate for children riding a bus and children born on one )

Bunã ziua

Away from Kuwait for a bit , on a business trip to Romania
nice weather here , too much to do and little time for sightseeing , which suck , wanted to visit the count castle but no time 🙁