All posts by Forzaq8

Been a while ..

It’s been a while since I wrote anything, two things make me less motivated to write

First thing work, I work in the government, and it’s getting depressing more and more lately,
between mistakes left and right , everyone trying to throw blame at others , work that delayed for some reason since 2007 and no one touched it ( and I’m suddenly supposed to do it now ) ..Etc

I did write couple of posts but didn’t post them, some may seem outdated and some maybe posted later

These are some of the posts titles

– Transparency protects us!
– Shia Bloggers, should we care?
– Elitist concerns part Four, Kuwait Stamps
– Rulers Sainthood

The other thing that making me less motivated to write is Kuwait , not the weather but the people , the more you read or interact with people the more you feel this country is like a bus driving to the cliff

And you can’t ignore them, if you don’t’ go to Dewaniya or read paper you will see them in blogs, switching off your TV wouldn’t work, you will see more idiots on your way to work, or at work

People you thought were rational speaking irrational stuff, people talking stupid

Stuff people say that I think is totally stupid

– If we remove National Assembly Kuwait will be back as the Perl of The Gulf

Wrong, 1986 – 1990 is a good proof, it was stable government with many veterans yet it failed to do anything

– We don’t need a Forth Refinery, we have Three

Wrong , we need it badly , the count of Refinery is Three , doesn’t mean they work as normal three , one of them is WAY outdated , and is slated to close at 2010 ( which was pushed back 3 times ) one keep on breaking , and the newest one isn’t in a better shape either

Not only we don’t’ have the capacity to produce Gas for Electricity (right now we are burning Crude for that) but they are having real problems fulfilling local needs right now
(Not to mention they do not meet environmental standard, if you are into that kind of stuff)

Where I know that? Friends working in the refinery, I don’t get news from newspapers, they are bad in Kuwait as I have said many times

– Dubai is brilliant they made everything without depending on oil

No , they didn’t , first they have oil ( abet limited but still ) also they depend on Abu Dhabi oil revenues as well ( and right now they will depend more on them for a bailout , read latest Newsweek )

I think a bit of Venting is good for the soul, I may vent more next week 🙂

Kuwait Book Fair 2008

So i went to Kuwait Book Fair 2008 , as every year

Of course there is always talks about Book Butchery , and that because of that only Children , Cooking and religious books are in there these days

While there was certainly an abundance of these type of books , you can find interesting books if you want

One thing some people never think of

That’s what most people in Kuwait want to buy these days , it may sound shocking to some , but really , a visit to the Book Fair and you notice that , sections with Children , Cooking & religious Books are full of buyers and onlookers , while Sections with Political & history books are empty with no one even checking them out

I want to give a big shout out to Diamond Books , while i don’t read any of their books anymore ( for other reasons ) they are going the extra mile to sell their books

Diamon Books

Well i got some Historical Books , as the saying goes
Don’t Know Your Future if You Don’t Know Your Past



And other Books like

  • عمر المختار : الحلقة الاخيرة من الجهاد الوطتي في ليبيا
  • العراق في عهد الحجاج بن يوسف الثقفي من الناحية السياسية و الإدارية
  • معركة الصريف
  • الكويت حقائق و ارقام
  • Found two Children Story , were too funny to pass


    Faten and the Stingray ! how could i pass it !!


    Another Fantastic Story ! :p

    oh and if you were wondering about Syria

    In 2006 they had a smaller picture of our shiek than Their President
    In 2007 They didn’t have any picture of our Shiek at all

    Well , come 2008 and …


    No picture ! yay !!

    but my happiness was short lived

    Tunis section

    No , you don’t own the street

    Why does Bikers in Kuwait act like idiots ?

    I was waiting for the Signal to turn green when suddenly couple of bikers started coming from all sides
    and for the hell of it parked in front of me


    As you notice , most of these idiots aren’t even wearing biking gear , not only that but two of them ( there are two others but aren’t in the picture ) were using Dirt bikes

    Not only that , but the Signal turned green and these idiots were still chit chating and not moving even after few horns from everyone

    I’m 100% sure that at least 50% of these are unlicensed bike users

    Bikers , Pray to god I’m not appointed the Minister of Interior , you know what the first decree would be ? Ban Bikes on Ring Roads and give car drivers the license to run over bikers