All posts by Forzaq8

My Friend …I think…I hope

To my friend
Congrats on the happy news , its fantastic that i knew of happy news to you from the wife of another of my friends , make me wonder what type of friendship is that
also you didn’t replay to the SMS

Not to mention the other stuff

but for today a little haiku …
Congrats my friend on the good news
Why ignore me its not a TV interview
neither is dewaniya The TV show the view
If it wasn’t Haram i would drink me some brew

Like we need Australian problems now …

Kuwait ordeal continues for Sydney family

I first read on Alaan news Site

While i don’t like Kuwaiti policemen I’ll have to side with them on them , full of falsity in the family telling of the story

And here are some of it

The family was on its first holiday in a decade and had already visited the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Syria when they arrived in Kuwait.

I’m sorry , i don’t believe anyone spend vacation in Kuwait , you went to the UAE first which is Kuwait + Alcohol with extra sand action

At this point her six brothers became involved and the family was soon surrounded by 35 police and airport guards

35 Guards ? are there even 20 policemen at the whole Kuwait Airport ? and also mention soon ?
even if there were 35 policemen there is no way you can gather 10 in less than an hour …

“(A guard) threw her passport on the ground and he stepped on it and he goes, ‘Who’s going to help you now? The emu or the kangaroo?'” she said.

Right , a Kuwaiti Policeman and he knows Emu , not believable

What i think happened which is mostly the logical thing
from the family name they have just got the Australian nationality and think they are Uber and no one can talk them ( seen many people with Canadian or American passport do that ) and they step the line , the Policeman call them on it ( because hey they look Arab from the picture ) they shout at him , thinking they have immunity , the policemen use the legal means they have

The mother start cussing left and right like a drunken sailor ( saw a Canadian nationality do that and she was from Syria ) and the second or third insult is always something about Kuwait and its Emir .

So yeah , i hope she rot in Jail , enjoy the Vacation , and let this be a lesson , if you got another country passport , you don’t need to come and try and flash it here

Out with the old , in with the new

So its 2009 , wow its still hard to change the habit of writing 2008 all of a sudden

too many things changed for me in 2008 , back on the job
nearly done with most books i got from last book fair
I didn’t update the blog as much as i wished , maybe it would change this year , depending on workload

on another note

Stuff to do in 2009 ( aka buy )
– New Mobile ( last one here ) ,
– New Laptop ( i use a laptop for dewaniya viewing , the Eepc isn’t good for that because it has no S-video )

any advice on mobiles ?

Out of the Loop

Just found this on Exzombie blog

its a rumor box in one of the newspapers that says
“There is an attempt for agreement between over than 50 blogs to put up the next Ministerial formation of 15 ministers”

it saddens me to say this
i wasn’t part of this elite 50 bloggers

It does seem bloggers have become so big in Kuwait that we become the next shadow government

Its Magic !

From AlRai Newspaper [Link][Arabic]

علمت «الراي» ان «وزارة الداخلية بصدد استقدام دوريات ذات رادار، قادرة على كشف المركبات المطلوبة والمركبات المنتهية التأمين دون الحاجة الى ايقاف سائق المركبة، وستستقدم هذا النوع من الدوريات من بريطانيا».
وقالت مصادر أمنية لـ «الراي» ان «ذلك النوع من الدوريات والتي يطلق عليها «الدوريات الرادارية» تحوي طبقا لاقطا على سطحها وباستطاعتها رصد المركبات التي لا تحمل تأمينا والمركبات المطلوبة المسجلة، واطلاق اشارة بذلك حال مرور المركبة بجانبها».

Alrai was informed that the Ministry of Interior are going to bring Patrol Cars with Radar that are able to detect Wanted Cars and Cars with expired insurance without the need to stop the car

Security sourced have informed Alrai that these kind of Patrol car which are Called Radar Cars
has a dish on top of it which can detect if a car is wanted or the insurance has expired and send a signal once it pass by it

A how would that work you may ask? MAGIC it seem, because I have no other idea how would it work, if we don’t install anything in the cars roaming the street, what would the dish pick up?