All posts by Forzaq8

AlQabas Went Crazy with Ads ?

So was Reading AlQabas Today and i think the Editors are missing in action or just crazy
how do you approve ads like these ?

In one Page they had an ad about some companies that aren’t going to be in the gold expedition
that’s okay and fine


So okay they aren’t going to attend , And that is kinda strange that you need to announce that but they don’t stop at that


Wait a minute , if you don’t want to go that okay , you don’t to add another Ad claiming that you are 85% of the market ( when you are all one company as you said in your first ad )

And this there is strange Ad that i have no idea how to explain
( and yes I’m keeping the e-mail , he has his picture in a newspaper )


Failed Joke ?

I follow The Daily Show , its a funny show most of the time

I was watching one episode when i noticed this Joke when they talked about Obama interview on the Al-Arabiya


Qatar Hero ? , it would have been funny if Al-Arabiya prodcasted from Qatar , but it doesn’t
it podcasted from Dubai

AlSharq AlAwsat & Obama Coverage ..

So i was reading AlSharq AlAwsat ( saudi newspaper printed in the UK & Kuwait among other places )
when i saw this [Link][Arabic]

it is a topic about Obama and how comerice is getting involvied

what got my attention is just random cut and paste , a bad
which is show in this paragraph


First they write Marvel Channel, when it’s an Entertainment company (which focus on comics)
That they present special shows (what? where?) And issue special Batman and Obama comic issue

Batman and Obama? While clearly in the pictures provided with the article it shows Spider MAN
(Owned by Marvel) and no Batman (owned by DC comic)

and you would assume a big newspaper like AlSharq AlAwsat would do a small fact check like NOTICEING THAT SPIDERMAN DOES NOT TRANSLATE INTO BATMAN !

Creativity ? who need that …

I mean its Egypt after all

I was checking newspapers when i saw this [Link][Arabic]

يقوم ببطولة «العالمي» يوسف الشريف وأروى جودة وصلاح عبد الله ودلال عبد العزيز والوجه الجديد رحمة، وهو من إخراج أحمد مدحت وإنتاج السيناريست محمد حفظي، وسيناريو ياسين كامل.

تدور أحداث الفيلم حول مسيرة أحد لاعبي كرة القدم المصريين وبدايته في منطقة عشوائية، مروراً بما يتعرض له من عقبات ثم إنجازاته وإخفاقاته، قبل أن يصبح بعد ذلك لاعباً عالمياً.


The movie is about one of Egyptian Soccer Players and his start in a poor Area , and what he encounter until he become a world class player

Sound familiar right ? , if you didn’t remember yet check this Synopsis [Link][IMDB]

A poor Mexican family crosses the border to make a living in LA. The father believes in hard work and limited ambition, but son Santiago is a very talented footballer who dreams of playing at a top level. He is seen playing by a former player and scout for the leading English club Newcastle United. With help from his grandmother, Santiago follows his dream to Newcastle. The bulk of the film concerns his ups and downs there, and includes a lot of match action with top players.

Egyptians , unoriginal movies & titles ….